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Mission Report: #10

Title: ……Sandwiches?

Submitted by: Agent Brin Chakkiym, the Aftermath

Date: Oct 5th 2014 Age: 26

I still can’t believe Simmons left, right when Fitz needed her the most.

May 18th 2014 Age: 26

I stood there in silence, my mouth was hung open. Simmons left? I ran back to Phil’s office, apparently Thor was gone already. Darn.

“Phil!” He spun around I guess I startled him, “Simmons is leaving, She can’t just do that can she?” all evidence that I had scared him was washed from his face,

“Yes, she left. She said she needed to get a change of scenery.”

His expression told me not to ask more about her ‘Mission’, “What about Fitz? He’s coming in like three days.”

“Since you asked maybe you should welcome him.” Fine I guess I will do just that, now how to turn on the Holotable….

May 21st 2014

Thankfully Phil hadn’t put me on any assignments, the past three days I have been cramming information about Biochem and Engineering. I’m not up to the level Fitz is, but at least I can talk to him now.  

I was standing at the base of the Bus waiting for Fitz, running equations through my head. I looked up; there in front of me was a curly haired lad walking past. I had been mumbling the equation and materials for the night night gun under my breath.

“You’re forgetting a Dendrotoxin.” I looked to where he was now,

“Agent Fitz?” I followed him holding Chem books, “I’m Agent Chakkim.”

He looked back at me after dashing into the lab “Chakkim? Where have I heard that name before…Uh…….Its uhh something to do with a battle…...” I sighed,


“Yes that’s it thank you. Um what are you doing in my lab?”

“Well I am uhh assigned to help you, kind of a personal assistant type thing, Phil said to.”

He kept looking frantically around, and he was mumbling to himself. “Night Night……Assistant……….Jemma…..”

“Agent Fitz? Are you ok?”

“Yeah I’m fine I just don’t think we need a personal assistant.” We? I need to talk to Phil, my stomach growled. And get a Sandwich.

“I can go talk to Phil if you want me too.” He found the night night Pistol and the cloaking system.

“No no Grab me the uhhh… Yes the screwdriver.” I grabbed it and handed it to him, I didn’t know Fitz before the ‘accident’ as they call it but he seemed perfectly normal.

“I’m need to go get a sandwich, do you want one?” He barely looked up from his work,

“No, I need to get this Bus up and running.”

I left the bus and went into the sandboxes lunchroom, “For a top secret facility they have great fridges” I mumbled to myself as I grabbed my lunchbag from the shelf. I walked back into the lab carrying it, I went to put it on the table when-

“Don’t put that there, It’s the Holotable it will ….. Destruct and umm…. Ah…analyze, thanks it will analyze it.”

I took it off of the Holotable, Which I figured out how to turn on thank you very much.

“Ok. Need anything?”

“No I’m doing good and- what the crap is in that sandwich?!?!?!” I quickly put it back in the bag, sorry tummy I will feed you later.

“Oh sorry I um, made it, it’s a prosciutto and buffalo mozzarella with-“

“A hint of pesto aioli.” He said finishing my sentence,

“Yeah how did you know?”

“It’s my favorite sandwich, do you have another?” My stomach growled again, yes tummy I will feed you soon.

“Yeah I’ll make you one.”

We talked as we headed to the lunchroom Fitz seemed to find his voice, he didn’t stutter once, and we conversed about an EMP joy Buzzer that could be concealed in a fingertip. He told me how he buzzed Garret with an old Howling Commandos buzzer. We started making his sandwich and after we were done we had finished the design on the ‘shockwave’ as we named it. I left Fitz in lab while I thought about all that had happened. Fitz was perfect; I didn’t know why the others were tentative. I was walking into the lab when Skye ran into me,

“May just said you met Thor!” She was jumping up and down, and rambling about how she needed to figure out the technology in Asgard,I didn't think Phil would tell them all this fast,

“Calm down, I sure I could get you up there sometime.” her face fell as she looked past me. She stalked off making up some excuse about dot's and lines or something,

“That was weird.” I said to no one in particular she was happy then she just shut down why? I felt the steps coming before they reached me, “Chakkim I need you.” Crap Phil only called me by my first name when something was wrong, I looked behind me a confirmed my thoughts, Phil was sweating like a maniac and I never knew he could lose any more hair. No wonder Skye ran off I would too. We went to his office on the bus without speaking,

“I have to go recruit agents.” That was it? no lecture about how I’ve been absent for the past three days, or questions about Fitz?

“Ok have fun?” He ran his hand through his almost bald head,

“No but I can’t leave, May is fine and so is Skye, but Ward is having a panic attack down in the vault, Simmons is gone, and Fitz…” I stared at him Fitz was fine.

“Phil, Look at me, we are fine Go bring SHIELD up from the grave. Fitz is great, May is…well May. And Skye is doing great with May as her S.O. I don’t know about Simmons but you are the new Director, Go direct or something.” He looked at me sympathetically,

“Remember when you asked if you could wear a dress to training?” Really? This is what he is thinking about?

“Yes Phil I remember, I wanted to see if you’d let me. Also I needed tea…” I did remember, sheesh, I just wanted Phil to, I don’t know be like a big brother playing with his little sister. I did wear the dress when he wasn’t looking.

“Me too, Maybe when I get back we can have that tea party.” That super silly smirk landed on his face,


“Hey that’s director Jerk to you.” In reality I was super excited for the party maybe Skye would come too. “Hey Director Jerk?”

“Yeah freak?” jerk…

“Thor said something about the bifrost?” His smirk faded a slight bit,

“I think you just call on a Heimdall, or so he told me. Be careful up there.”

“Will do Director Jerk.” With that he left his office and went to go help SHIELD off the ground, I sat in silence for a while then i looked up at the skylight and said,

“Umm, Heimdall? Uhh can I go to Asgard now?” I walked out of the bus and into a field, “What about now can you hear me now?” In a second I was flying through the air in some sort of rainbow light. I landed in a great round dome of sorts I looked up to see the smiling face of Heimdall. That is until I passed out.

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