Winter's Frost

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Mission Report: #6

Title: Winter and Frost

Submitted by: Agent Brin Chakkiym, the Aftermath

Date: Sept. 28th 2014 Age: 26

I knew who the winter soldier was, master assassin, metal arm, super soldier. I had no idea who Loki was; I was kinda in the woods (Pun intended) for that battle.  I thought I knew who I was, who knew my ideas where myths, and my truths were going to be burned to the ground.

May 15th 2014 Age: 26

We walked back into the bus to grab our supplies; gun’s, ammo, Sanity. “I know what you all are thinking, but she knows Barnes like none other.” Phil looked apologetic, I couldn’t blame him, I would be sorry to if I had brought my team here. We started to here a song come blasting through from Phil’s phone, ♫ When Captain America throws his mighty shield,
All those who chose to oppose his shield must yield.
If he’s lead to a fight and a duel is due,
Then the red and the white and the blue’ll come through.
When Captain America throws his mighty shield ♫ I think all of us sort of expected him to have the theme song as him ringtone, but never had any proof. Looking sheepish, Phil excused himself from the room, we all busted a gut laughing, and even May seemed to find the humor in it. We started loading gun and ammo into our backpacks, snickering along as we went. For once I felt like part of a team, inside jokes and trust. When Phil came back into the room all sound seemed to dissipate, his face looked drawn and ecstatic at the same time, “Simmons you’re with me, Fitz woke up.” Simmons looked like a kid at Christmas, They exited the room Simmons chattering the entire time about Fitz and the stuff she would tell him, I looked to Skye who was slightly shaking her head “Are they?”  I asked, “No,” She said “But they should be.” I completely agreed with her.  We finished packing and went inside to meet, *Gulp* Reanne. She met us at the gate, and showed us to her office, “Ok, so all the theories I came up with include him being brainwashed by hydra. The longer he is out of the brainwashing the more memories he has.” Solid theory, “So how do we find him?” May asked, “Well, we could start a facial recognition, look at airports for anyone trying to get through with a metal arm?” OK? She had files on this guy and that’s all she came up with?  Skye volunteered to start the scans and within minutes we found a hit in Brooklyn. We all jumped into the bus, and may had us off in seconds. “So,” I said trying to make small talk, everyone else seemed to have vanished from the bus. Except me and Reanne. “Are you excited to finally meet him?” “What if, What if he is just a killer? All my ideas gone to waste.” We were just on approach when Skye burst in, “I have an odd signature coming through, I looked into the files, haven’t seen it since before the battle of New York.” I looked at her as she showed me her computer screen.  “Call Phil now! Tell May about it, do you know where it’s going?” Skye turned the screen back to herself, “It seems like its going straight to Barnes.” “Well, we need to get to him faster.” I looked to Reanna, “Can you handle a weapon?” She looked terrified yet, ready. “Yes, they taught us when we enlisted.” We landed and ran for the location, “A bar?” I thought it was run down, but hey, for a ninety-five year old man it probably brought back memories.  We walked inside; the only person was a man in a trench coat. He looked sad; May walked up to him and sat down, Reanne looked star struck. My phone started ringing, not a theme song, I looked at the caller I.D. PHIL. I walked out of the bar and answered, “Hello?” “Brin what’s happening up there?”  He sounded worried, Aww. “We found Barnes, May is talking to him. We also got another signature; Skye said it is the same as one from before New York.”  “Brin, Get out of there now. If I think I know who it is you are all in danger.” Phil sounded laced with worry, “Phil no, This is what we are trained for. How’s Fitz?” I could see the smirk through the phone, “He is talking to Simmons, we don’t know yet if he still has full brain capacity, and he can’t lift anything yet, but we are relieved to see him awake.” I saw May come out with Barnes in tow, “Gotta let you go, we got Barnes in the bus.”  “Stay safe.” Then he hung up.

We took Barnes back to the Hub where he would await questioning, Simmons jumped on the plane and talked a mile per minute about Sciency stuff I didn’t know about and I would just nod and say “Oh Really” a couple times. From what I gathered Fitz was doing well, and had brain function or brain farts, I didn’t know she said it all in the science terms, water over my head. I excused myself to go look up the signature from before, I sat on my bed and searched the signatures that were irregular from before New York. 1 Signature, Origin: Asgaurdian. Item: Loki.   Loki was back? I thought he died, nope no way. “Doing anything important?” The voice startled me, I looked up to see Phil, something wasn’t right with him. “Uh, No, Nothing” “Wonderful, Simmons wanted me to give this to you.” I looked in his hand, a shot? Noticing my hesitancy he added “She said the guy had the flu. Everyone’s getting a shot.” I allowed him to give it to me in the arm; after he pulled it out I started feeling nauseas. I looked back up at him, “That wasn’t a flu shot.” My head felt full of lead, I feel out of the chair  the man still looking like Phil caught me, He started carrying me out the door, I heard him whisper in my ear, “You are too naive my dear midguardian.” I saw a flash of green and gold before I lost consciousness.

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