Electric Shocker

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Mission report: #12

Title: Electric Shocker.

Submitted by: Agent Brin Chakkiym, the Aftermath

Date: Oct 16th 2014 Age: 26

I find that as I go along the reports are easier to write, maybe now it’s because I I have something to write about. I just wrote one for a new girl, I think Fury would like her. This one is about how we met.

May 21st 2014 roughly 5:21 pm

We are in transit to Colorado; I am sitting grumpily at the back of the Quinnjet. Phil said he had called in Katalia Alianovna and Bucky Barnes. I personally didn’t know why we needed them, but Lady Sif had said I was a lady so by golly I was gonna try to act like it. I put an ICER in the pocket of my leather jacket, I didn’t know what we were up against but it’s best to be prepared. Fitz was in my ear talking, I almost thought he had just put himself in my ear as Phil would ask me what Fitz had said. At 5:26 we landed, I walked back to Fitz who was giving a speech about what needed to happen.

“-If the device is Agardian don’t touch it, it would be better to do so with hazard suits.” Fitz keep talking about what to do ad not to do, Phil had said to have him on the bus watching the equipment, he wasn’t happy about it but by the time this lecture was done we would have any situation under control. Maybe. I looked back to Fitz who was now talking to Skye

“Uh Fitz what if it’s not a device?”

 “What do yah mean Skye?”

“Well we kinda have had a lot of people with these kinds of powers, so.”

“Impossible if it was a person, they would be dead by now.” Ok, sounds good Fitz. He had me put on a contact lens that showed me readings from the computer; I could see where the 0-8-4 was, and what its readings looked like. Agent Alianovna and Barnes had boarded and were in debrief, Phil said Barnes was hanging back to help Fitz keep things controlled here. That means Miss Sweetie and I were going to get some quality time together. Great. May was following from a distance and Phil was bringing up the rear, if this was a weapon we would have it surrounded before it knew what was happening. We started out going down the road, I looked in my contact lens and saw I was just around the corner from the 0-8-4, Phil started talking in my ear,

“Kat did you bring the Bag?” Kat fizzled in and out of my ear,

“Yeah why?”

“Change of Plans.” I turned the corner as Fitz told me I should be careful, as I looked down the street I saw a Girl with wavy blonde hair, she was wearing a thin shirt which was odd considering it was 30 degrees outside, she looked behind her at Phil then to me, then to Kat who was coming out of an alleyway.

“Phil we need to grab her, Kat go mobster on her.” I ran forward as Kat put the bag on her head, and I locked her wrists in zip-ties. I knew it was a little unnecessary but we had to get her to the bus or the town would be demolished.

“Really Mobster, we couldn’t just talk?” Phil said into my earpiece, I was walking her into the bus while Phil went to get May.

“Sorry Phil, Fitz said to get her.” I mumbled under my breath I didn’t know what this girl knew but she needed to be kept in the dark on some things, SHIELD wasn’t exactly on the Governments happy list right now. I walked into the quinnjet to see Kat and Bucky sitting with Fitz. Fitz jumped up when he saw me.

“Did yah get it?” Phil came up behind me with May in tow.

“Yeah but It is a She.” Thanks for stating the obvious Phil, not like I was dragging a person behind me or anything.

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