V. A Good Thing

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I stood in front of Nuri's door willing myself to turn and walk away, not really sure I should've come here in the first place. The plan was to get drunk and forget for a time, but for whatever the reason ... I can't .

I needed to see her face at the expense that she might slam the door in mine.

The door to the stairs flew open and Nuri's gasping frame came tumbling through it nearly falling over. I barely registered the terror in her eyes before she saw me.

"Nathaniel!" she bellowed.

What the fuck?


She launched herself into me and gasped, "Oh God."

Wrapping my arms around her, I pressed her against my chest lifting her feet off the ground while my hands secured her to me at her waist and neck. Her body shook in my arms, her anxiety palpable. I rubbed soothing circles over her back.

"Nuri, baby. You're trembling. What's going on?"

"Someone's hashing me," she gasped.

"What!?" The thought of being chased sprung my worry to rage and I felt the moisture at my neck from her tears.

"They're in the stairwell," she said all the while her hold on my tightening more.

My eyes snaked over to the now closing door that lead to the stairs and a light somewhere in me flickered on. Rage.

I moved to the stairs, but was halted my Nuri's feet hitting firm ground as she held me back.

"No, Nathan don't go," her pleas were as adamant as her girp and I knew because I struggeled against her. I yanked at her hand around my neck but she wouldn't let up.


She shook her head, not willing to release her hold on me. She must know my thoughts and where they are headed.

"Please don't."

"Nuri, let go." I said with as even a tone as I could manage why prying her hands from my body. The son of a bitch was probably still down there and standing here with her was a waste of time.

On a fierce growl, I yanked with more force off my body and held her at arms length making sure to keep her eyes. I've never seen a person as afraid as she was in this moment.

"Damn it Nuri, get you fucking ass in the house and lock the door behind you. You hear me!?" I gave her a firm but gentle shake to be certain that she was with me.

With her small nod, I closed in on the stairwell racing down the stairs prepared for the fight of my life as fury and rage swelled up inside of me.

All seemed in order and there were no signs of life in the enclosed space. Stopping at the sixth floor and slowed my steps listening for any movement at all.

More silence.

To be sure, I made my way down the rest of the stairs and out to the lobby assessing for anything out of the ordinary. Without straying too far, I moved in the general area, assuming that all were suspects.


A part of me, wished I did find this mother fucker so I could tear him up with my bare hands and end it all right here. I would hate to think that Nuri was so close to danger mere feet away from me and I wouldn't have known anything about it.

Had I not come to see her, I would have went out on my way with Ambrose tonight and came home without calling to check on her. By the time I did call her or get a hold of her she would have been gone.

Bared: A King's Hart Novel Book 3 (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now