XX. Prelude to the Aftermath

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Just as Ambrose expected, nothing was as perfect as it appeared to be. There was always an outside element, some unknown variable that threw a wrench in their plan. Two things went wrong in this plan. He didn't plan on Nathaniel finding out that Nuri would be at Emma's. So, more than likely that meant he was on his way here. He was certain Nathanial knew the address from when Nuri showed it to him.  But if that were the case, he would answer his phone.

The second thing that went wrong was Nuri's wire. Why couldn't he hear Nuri? "Dere's no sound," he said to the men. "We gotta get her outta dere. Got de feelin' dat t'ings goin' t'shit fast."

"We're working on it," Locke said and Ambrose tensed. "You all don' get dis here up an right, Ambrose headin' in. Y'got bout 2 minutes."He shot a look to the twins Harper and Luke and they knew instinctually to prepare for entry. "Ya'll get it up an' Ambrose still goin' in dere."

Ambrose looked on as Locke and Maddox did their thing. His mind wandered and he played each scenario out in his head. He went through the possibilities. Cassius is locked up safe and sound with his connection down in the Carribean. If things were different he would know. This wasn't Cassius. 

Kayman, although a crazy mother fucker, didn't care too much for Emma to go through all of this. He just wanted was owed to him. Ambrose knew Kayman would be better off if Emma were dead. She had secrets on him, she knew things about him and that put her at a disadvantage.

He thought about Nathanial's call and tried to fill in the parts that were missing. The Michael Humes element was a reach. He was new to the office. That was all he knew. But how did he know about Emma? Why warn Nathanial? What does Humes have at stake in all this?

Armand's right ear itched. Being raised on the bayou meant he understood things most didn't. When his body started to itch he knew he had all he needed. 

When his eyes met Harper and Lukes again, they were still trained on him. They were willing soldiers ready and waiting to carry out every order. It hadn't been a full minute yet, but he had to get in there. One quick nod and they moved out.  "Ya'll keep workin' on it," he told Locke and Maddox before joining the twins. 

The three men stood in front of Emma's brownstone, and right as Armand started to give his orders he was distracted by the screech of tires on the pavement. The familiar black range rover tore down the street swerving to the opposite side of the road on to halt on the curb. 

Nathanial saw Armand and two other men standing there beside him. His rage toppled over into  fury. Ambrose being here meant that he was in on this whole thing. He put the car in park and exploded out of it. 

Ambrose steadily regarded the incensed man racing towards him. Luke took strides towards Nathanial only to be stopped by Ambrose. "Leave de man be."

"Fuck am I seeing right now?" Nathanial yelled. "All this time and you're fucking here? Didn't you hear me calling you?"

"Nathan, now not de time," Ambrose said putting his hands up.  

"Bullshit it's not the time," Nathan objected. "Where's Nuri?"

"Still in dere wit' Emma," Ambrose said quietly. 

Nathanial's eyes took in the brownstone before they rested on Armand's goons. He took in the men's attire and pegged the dark work van down the street.

Ambrose watched as realization washed over his best friend. The betrayal in Nathanial's eyes was evident and it hurt Ambrose to the core. 

"You sent her in there?" Nathanial demanded, his voice breaking while his eyes became slits focused on Armand. He was in the Cajun's face, their foreheads connected.

"She' begged Ambrose f' help," Ambrose offered while holding a hand out to keep Nathaniel at bay. 

Nathaniel's hands were bunched up at Ambrose's collar. "That's when you fucking tell her ass no. You're gonna get her killed." 

"She was gonna do it whet'er Ambrose be dere or non, Nathan," Ambrose fired back at him. "We all headin' up dere now t'get de petit." He couldn't tell the man that he'd lost communication for nearly five minutes now. 

Nathanial shoved Ambrose and tried to push past the two pillars of men that glared at him.  "Tell your dogs to back down," Nathanial barked at Ambrose his eyes still trained on the men. 

"Tempers be high, it's understandable. Y'gotta go bout dis de right way," Ambrose said. "Gonna sending Luke round back wit' Harper. You go in t'rough  de fron' door first.  Ambrose will cover y'back."

"Humes is knocked out in the passenger seat of the car. I don't know how long he'll stay like that though. He told me what Emma's got planned." Nathanial shared. 

Ambrose gave a look to Harper and nodded at him. Harper took off towards Nathanial's Range. Luke was off. He rounded the brownstone and made his way to the back. Nathanial and Ambrose moved to the door. 

Ambrose was worried that they still hadn't got the sound fixed and sent a prayer that he wasn't walking into something that would tear his world apart forever.

At the door, Nathanial stopped and put a finger in the Cajun's face, his eyes boring holes into his head. "I'll tell you this right now, if that bitch hurt even a hair on Nuri's head... I will fuck you up. Whatever bad thing happens today... it's on you." 

There wasn't too much Ambrose let slide. Ambrose would make light work of Nathan, this was a fact. Nathanial is his closest friend so he put himself in Nathanial's place and would do the same if Maggie was in danger. That's why he let him talk his shit.

A few moments passed between them and the sound of shattering glass set Nathanial's blood to a boil.  He touched the door and found that it was unlocked. 

"Keep y'eyes open, an' remember Ambrose be close behind," Ambrose warned his friend and handed him one of his guns. 

He swipped the gun and cocked it one time. He already had two guns on him but he didn't know what he was walking into. Nathanial quickly moved in and was greeted with the sound of more glass shattering and the sound of screams and struggling. 

Nathanial couldn't see them, but it was obvious they were fighting and by the looks of the entryway, they fought hard. He could only hope that the smears of blood about the floor weren't Nuri's. The thought of it caused everything around him to turn a crimson red.

He followed the sounds of their struggles to the dining room. 

Nothing could prepare him for what he saw next. 

Author's Note:

As you've seen, I did this chapter in the third person. I did that because I really needed you to see the dynamic between Nathanial and Ambrose. There is a lot of love and respect between these two men and I wanted to give their friendship some texture. 

What are your thoughts on Ambrose this far into the series? 

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