XV. Won't for Now

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Present day.


He didn't say anything.

I didn't say anything.

The both of us stood there watching each other not breathing a word. My heart broke just looking at him and all sorts of thoughts came rushing to the forefront. Was he robbed? Did Emma find out about him knowing she was alive and sent people to hurt him?

The silence between us continued and I grew weary when he did nothing but watch and wait for me. I don't know what he was expecting me to say or do, but I knew he needed me to do something.

After quickly rinsing myself off, I swiped the towel from the bar and wrapped it around myself. Nathaniel stepped back giving me room to step out. With his head hug low and his face grim, He was like a pet dog that knew when his master was upset with him. I could berate him, bombard him with questions and nag him to tell me every detail, but things were bad enough without me adding to it.

"Get undressed while I get somethings to clean you up." I said wiping the tip of the towel to my lips. I made a conscious effort to level my tone.

He peeked up at me and I quickly looked away from him.

"I'll be right back."

He nodded slowly then began to unbutton his tattered shirt.

When I was sure he was okay on his own, I went into quick action drying myself off than wrapping the towel around my hair to dry it off. I quickly dressed in a night shirt and shorts then went through Adelaide's stash at the kitchen entrance. She had everything the man needed and I took what I thought I needed.

Nathaniel sat on the toilet seat naked his clothes neatly folded on the counter, as if they weren't completely ruined and needed to be replaced, and he waited for me. I set the things I gathered down and went to nurse him, cleaning his wounds with hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. He had a bruise on his eye that needed ice and I made a mental note to get the frozen peas from the kitchen.

He'd been beaten badly and not just at his face. His neck, and chest were black and blue, and his ribs didn't look too good either. "You need a nice rub down and maybe a soak in the tub."

He shook his head. "I just want to lay down next to you," he explained taking my hand and pulling me in. "Patch me up and let me wrap you up in my arms."

"Just like that huh?" I asked on a snort. I tried to hold it all in for him and be understanding but this shit was getting out of hand. I went off. "You say a few sweet words to me and I completely disregard the fact that you haven't contacted me in over twelve hours and come home like someone put the worst kind of beating on you."

He signed quietly and dropped my hands before set his head on my stomach.

"What happened to you Nathaniel... I'm asking you because I'm truly afraid."

He said nothing, choosing to turn his cheek to my stomach while his arms came around my waist.

I pulled his head back so that I could look him in the eye. "Can you promise me that this isn't going to happen again?" I ran a finger down his cheek. "I need to know that we're safe and that I won't have to keep looking over my shoulder or worried that you might come home like this again... or worse."

He pulled his head away and stood. He was going to step away from me but I stepped further into him not willing him turn his back on me. The man had the weight of the world on his shoulders it looked like and my heart ached for him.

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