Chapter Two.

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Chapter Two.

Scott calls me later the next day and asks if Casey and I want to go to Casper's, a local bar that we went to just to hang out at while the boys watched whatever game was on. We usually do this once a month, and it looks like tonight is it as we enter into Casper's and see heads turn from the loud conversation of our group. I think the employees get pissed every time we come because whenever we do it's always so loud in here. We always take up so many tables.

           "Aye!" Scott yells, pulling me in for a hug. "You made it!"

            "Of course." I smile, slimming out the pink peplum top I have on. "Wouldn't miss it." Then I give hugs to the rest of the frat boys, pausing a little once I reach Justin. It's not awkward or anything, but he pulls me closer than expected and whispers, "Don't forget our plans tonight" gently into my ear. I nod my head and pull away, smiling from ear to ear when I see that Jonah, the boy from the other night at the party has made it. After we talked for a bit more yesterday he had decided to give me his number and I had decided to hang out with him again.

            "Hey!" I exclaim, pulling him in for a hug as well. "I didn't think you'd actually show up."

    He gives me a puzzled expression. "To see you? I'd be crazy not to."

Then I just roll my eyes and take a seat at the bar, ordering a diet coke as he orders a sprite and glances towards Casey, who is wrapped up in a conversation with Scott. I can't help but notice how close they've gotten with each other over the past couple of weeks and I'm starting to wonder if Scott is interested in her. I guess I'll ask Justin later.

            "So you never really told me about yourself." Jonah says, taking a sip of his sprite once it lands in front of him. "What are your hobbies?"

        I almost laugh out loud, but I don't. "My hobbies? C'mon Jonah, what are we? Back in highschool?" The last time I talked about my hobbies I was in the fourth grade at show and tell. It's not that I don't appreciate the effort, but really?

            "I'm being serious Reina. I'd like to get to know you better."

            "Well I don't tell people about myself right away." I wink, pulling my hair to one side. "But maybe you'll figure me out eventually." I stare down into my drink and swirl the straw around the liquid, wondering how exactly he'd like to get to know me better. I have fears that if I get into another relationship they'll end up exactly like my last ones. All boys used me for was sex so that's just what I'm used to. For instance, back in my junior year of high school I met my first boyfriend David and man did I fall hard for him. I mean really hard. Back then I was a sappy romantic who thought David and I would end up like the movies and that sex would be this sacred thing. When he took my virginity and broke up with me the next day just to say we slept together all of those fantasies went right out the window though. From then on out my heart was replaced with stone. That's why I am the way I am, but I've never told anyone that because I don't need sympathy. I don't need to be felt sorry for.

            "Maybe." He chuckles. "I hope so. I'm just glad you invited me here tonight."

            "Don't think too much of it bud. I just thought you were a cool person." I give him a smile to let him know that I'm just joking and lean over to nudge him with my shoulder.

            "Did you eat?" He asks. "I could order you something if you want."

            "Thanks but this place has pretty crappy food. It's not much of anything." I reply, taking a sip of my diet coke. I'm not lying. I once tried the chicken fingers here and they were hard as rock. If you're coming to get drunk here then it's the perfect place. But if you're hungry? Not so much.

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