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Ten years later...

Tasha POV

"Mommy would you like a cup of tea," Lana asked me as she slid the petit four on the fine china dessert plate. We were sitting out in the backyard on a blush blanket having our summer daily tea party.

"Yes I would. Thank you, My Lady."

Having tea parties with Lana were one of the highlights of my life. My mother Sam would have them with Sasha and I and both of us followed the tradition with our girls.

Looking at Alanna not only brought sunshine but I had promised myself to give her the world. Sitting with her designer frilly pink dress on and white patent leather shoes she had style. Even at the age of five, Lana picked out of magazines what she wanted to wear, she was a true fashionista in the making.

Her curly blonde hair, amber eyes and fair skin were tell-tell signs she was Allen Roberts child. Lana was not only a good baby but now she was going to grow up and be a good person. She was growing up so fast and at times I wished I could stop the clock.

"Mère mère," I heard Caden calling out through the bushes. I turned around to see his face covered in mud and his clothes filthy. Caden whose eight, looked more like me. His golden brown skin, dark brown curly hair and beautiful warm chestnut eyes would make him a ladies magnet when he was older. Caden loved to play spy thanks to Allen and he wanted to be a FBI agent. He was all boy as he loved to be dirty and play with trains, cars and build things.

Our children aren't television or video gamers as most of the time we travelled in the summer. Since moving to Marseille, France and living only a few feet from the beach, Allen and I spent most of our time with them. It did help that Sasha lived less than a hour away and our children saw each other weekly. My parents were right in the middle of us in which they visited often. We had plenty of money to last for generations and all we wanted to do was enjoy ourselves.

"Why are you so dirty?"

"Because daddy tossed me in the dirt pit."

"He did what?! What dirt pit?"

"The one behind your garden."

"I'm going to strangle your father, where is he?"

"Umm, still there, but if you get him I won't have anyone to play with," Caden said nervously.

"Ana can you watch Lana until I come back and Caden go in the house and have Pierre run you some bath water. You are absolutely filthy."

"Okay," he said putting his head down.

"Come here Caden." He came up to me and I gave him a hug and a kiss. "I promise not to hurt daddy but I just might tickle him to death, just like this." I tickled Caden and he fell out laughing.

"Now go on and get that dirt off before it settles and the creepy crawlers lay their eggs on you."

"Ew, okay I'm going now," he said running up to the house. I walked down the little stoned path that led to the gardens.

Since living here I had started planting a garden. On one side were vegetables and herbs and further down on my left I had a flower garden. I saw Allen with a shovel in his hand with his back turned to me.

"Busted!" I said folding my arms with my pretend angry face.

He turned around with nothing but guilt on his face. He had a streak of mud on his left cheek and his clothes were just as filthy as Caden's. He still looked handsome as ever.

"Caden wanted to play..."

"I know. He's headed up to the house to take a bath now. The question is who dug this huge hole in my garden?"

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