Chapter 12 ~ A Little Kindness (Edited)

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The side of my face felt sore as the grains of dirt scratched my skin. My arms were stretched wide as I hug the ground. I lifted my head to see Benny walking straight ahead with a firm but angry look on his face.

"Wat de fok doen jy jou fokken barbare. Ek moet jy mense wat alles koppe!"
(What the fuck are you doing you fucking savages? I should have you alls heads.)

I could hear running behind me, but my knee started to pain me. He came closer and the next thing I knew he had grabbed me and pulled me up.

"That mouth is going to be the death of you."

"They hit like pussies!" I said spitting out dirt.

"Mighty funny you one bleeding."

I tasted the blood from the side of my mouth. One of those bastards had slapped me. My hands were still tied so I had to bear with it. He escorted me back in the hut.

"Sit and stay quiet!"

I looked at him and turned my face. He walked out the hut leaving me to ponder what my fate would be.

A few minutes later he came back in with a bowl filled with water and a sponge along with a small vile. I looked from him to the vile.

"It's medicine. It's oils from neem, macadamia and hemp seed."

He dipped the sponge in the water and dapped it across my lip. He was gentle in his touch as I hiss from the pain.

"Big baby!" He said in the deep voice with no expression.

I rolled my eyes as he continued. He continued on removing the dirt from the scratches on my face. It felt like a carpet burn as now my face stung like a thousand bees were kissing me with their stingers. I tried to keep in the pain, but it hurt.

"These marks are not tribal," he said tracing the scars down my neck and back. He was also staring at the marks on my arms.

"No shit Sherlock."

"Who or what did this to you?" He asked curiously.

"Noneya did it," I said staring back. Why was he trying to get up all in my business? I was tired, hungry, aggravated and ready to go home.

"So this Noneya, they still alive?" He asked dipping the sponge.

"Why do you care?" I asked turning my cheek.

"The scars go deep and they are unusual."

"They are love marks courtesy of my mother. Satisfied?"

"That's no love. That's not a mother's love."

"Well you can tell her that. I will be more than happy to take you to her."

"No joke. You too pretty to have scars."

"Are you flirting with me Benny?" I said batting my eyes.

He shook his head at me.

"You too much. You think you have all this power but you have none. You are scared little girl trapped in woman body. You have demons and it makes you scarred."

"How much do I owe you? You a psychologist now?"

"You use mouth to cover up pain. Words are your daggers."

"You don't know me and never will."

Benny rolled up his sleeves. He had track marks going up his arm. They were old but his veins looked protruded.

"We all have demons Dr. Worthington and they come in many forms. The thing is once we know what they are, you have to find the strength to get rid of them."

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