Chapter 17 ~ Caged

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Chapter 17

Tasha POV

My body felt as if a tornado had ripped through it leaving scattered pieces everywhere as I came to. There was a stinging sensation in my hip and when I tried to move my bottom half I was paralyzed. I tried getting my bearings but I had no idea where I was. Last thing I remember I was in a different room tied to a chair and then I tried to escape...then I fell face first. I turned my head looking down and a warm liquid was shooting down my calf and my ankle was drenched in blood.

I thought I was dreaming but they did shoot me. It wasn't to kill but to slow me down. I could still feel the bullet lounged inside which was good as it would keep me from bleeding out all at once but eventually it needed to come out.

I squeezed my eyes shut trying to take away the foggyness and that's when reality hit. I looked up and I was hanging with my hands tied above my head and my feet shackled below. I was stripped down to my bra and panties dangling from a long cord in the ceiling.

The room was hallow, not one window to glance out of. I wasn't sure if it was day or night or even how long I had been here. There was a surgical table less than a few inches away. I could see surgical instruments lying in order and that's when a chill ran through my body.

I couldn't even swing my body to get close to the table. I looked behind me and saw a guard standing by the door.

What the hell were they going to do to me? I was going to die that was the bottom line. What pissed me off was that I wasn't going to die on my own terms but by a madman.

"Please help me, I'm begging you," I said trying to turn my body in the guard's direction. He just stood there and laughed. He spoke in some language I didn't comprehend.

"Please. You seem like a good man, help me or tell me what he has plan for me."

"Cállate antes de que yo te llevo aquí y ahora mismo," he said walking up to me and running his hands down my stomach to my sex. Was he going to rape me?

He moved his machine gun from the front to his back. He stared up at me with lust in his eyes and all I wanted to do was vomit. His hands grabbed on to my legs holding my bottom section still. Moving his hands and face down between my legs, he ran the tip of his nose across the flat part of my panties.

He was going to rape me and then kill me. I didn't want to be a victim anymore but what could I do?

"You like that?" He said in broken English. I shook my head no.

"Please God don't let this happen to me," I whispered in my head.

Tough Tasha was gone and in her place was that little girl that had clung to life so long ago. He wanted me to be scared, I was frighten.

Who knew he could rape me or kill me? Did Santos give him the okay to do so? I was frighten beyond words because if he did kill me I would never see my sister, my parents or even Allen again.

This was too much. I looked at the exposed scars across my body. Each one held a different meaning from the last. The whelp across my thigh was when I decided to play dress up in Rosa's red dress and I used her makeup. She was so pissed that she took an extension cord almost like the Lone Ranger's lasso and literally cut me on the hip as I went running. That woman knew she had a good aim.

Maybe if I focused on the scars, or if I think about the good things that whatever he would do to me, I wouldn't feel it. Maybe I needed to go to my place where I would sit in the sunflowers looking up a the rich blue sky. Not a care in world, just be at peace. I could hear the birds chirping and the wind blowing behind me as I watched the ducks swim in the river.

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