Chapter 19 ~ Rescue Me

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Ch. 19

Allen POV

We finally made it to Kassala where Law and his men were waiting. The sun was almost nonexistent when we made it to the park where I was hoping Adewala's man would be waiting as promised.

"I just intercepted a call and there is an agent undercover in Santos camp. I don't have a name but hopefully we can single him out."

"Is he a turned agent?" Chase asked and I could tell it hit a nerve. Law's sister had turned from FBI agent to informant for Alejandro Santos less than a year ago.

"Not that I am aware of," Law said walking off.

My phone started to ring and it was Adewala. I picked it up and turned my back to the group.

"My man will meet you under the canopy. I've also decided what half of my payment will be."

"Which is?"

"Santos men robbed an US Cargo plane that crashed a few days ago which they blamed on the Turks. I want the guns. Mughal and his men will take them and you will look the other way and half of our deal will be completed."

I bit the inside of my jaw. We needed the extra man power to get Tasha out and no telling what Santos had planned especially if Marshall had tipped him off.

"Fine but guarantee me they won't be used against Americans," I said through gritted teeth. It could have been worst, like wanting the codes and or the missiles.

"You have my word, plus you Americans are too valuable as allies. My man is a hundred feet away sterkte, good luck," he said hanging up.

I looked around and saw the canopy to my left. An African man was smoking a cigarette looking in my direction and I headed towards him.

"Groete my vriend, I'm Mughal," he said sticking out his hand. Mughal was tall, dark-skinned with a bald head with a gray goatee. I could tell he had muscles hidden under his black shirt and he had tattoos on his hands. With three knives showing and two handguns on his belt along with him wearing all black from head to toe, I knew he was ready for our mission.

"I'm Allen and my team is over there."

"I have the blueprints of the property," he said pulling out his cell. I saw Santo's mansion blueprints with all the exits marked. I blue-toothed them to my phone and sent them to Chase, Charlie and Law.

"My men are ready at your command but I do have some news."

"What is it?"

"I had a man stationed outside the house minutes after Adewala called me. The woman you are looking for is there but she was taken to a building outside of the main house."

"Is she okay?"

"She was being carried out across on one of Santos's men shoulders. She was first taken to another part of the property called The Cages where Santos keeps his enemies. It's behind the main house," he said pointing to an area around a hundred meters away on his phone.

"My man, Dogal said once he was able to get a close look she was covered in blood and wasn't moving, but then someone came in and took her away but he lost track of her after that. I'm sorry."

"Are you saying she's dead? Where could they have taken her...what do they do in The Cages?"

"I can't confirm if she is or not. Santos is known for his subversive dog fighting. He uses his captured enemies and uses them in preparation of his dog fights. You have to be invited and the place is not disclosed until a hour before it starts. From what I have heard he uses several places in Hafarah, Teseney and Hemisaeb, not far outside of town. Santos raises Pit Bulls and Rottweilers and other dangerous breeds just not for fighting but he trains them and sells them as security dogs around the world. For more excitement people place bets on who is going to win, the dog or the human right before the fights. I'm not sure if she was used yet but if she was in there, it could be why she was covered in blood."

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