Chapter 15 ~ Deal Making

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Allen POV

"Santos is dead! I saw you kill him and I saw his body brought out in a body bag. What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know. I killed him," Chase said looking stunned.

"He is dead, oh my God, it's his father," Sasha said taking a seat. " Do you think he took Tasha because of me? I'm about to be sick."

Chase walked up to Sasha and pulled her in an embrace. I saw her crying on his shoulder whispering something and shaking her head. He was trying to sooth her but you could see nothing but regret on her face. After we found a piece of Tasha's shirt we thought we had a dead end. It wasn't until she called in a panic that we knew she was still alive.

"Look him up," I told Charlie.

"Do you know his name Sasha?"

"Sorry but I don't."

"Any word on the traced call?" I asked.

"Almost got it. It was definitely a prepaid cell. I have to call my friend Nicholas to see if he can help," Tim said.

"Do what you have to."

I heard the radio going off. I could hear Law's voice shouting. Tim picked up the transmission.

"Law needs help. He's sixty kilometers from here," Tim said. "He has six civilians but he needs backup."

Chase and I along with Charlie geared up in our vests and grabbed our guns. The sun was beginning to set so we had to hurry to get to the extraction point.

It didn't take us long as we heard the gunfire ricocheting in the background. We found Law and his guys along with the hostages. In tow he had six civilians, three men and three women. They all looked scared, exhausted and some looked dehydrated.

We guided them through the thick bush. Flares were released into the dark sky and I could hear trucks and jeeps searching the area. We had to move quickly or they would surely kill us.

As soon as we got close to the flowing river I heard a whistling noise crackling in the air.

"Get down!" I yelled as I heard a low grade missile flying in the air. I couldn't see it but the sound of it flying through the air told me it was less than a quarter of a mile away.

"We have to get them to these coordinates. Can you guys hold them off just in case they try to make it rain on us?" Law asked.

Chase agreed. I could hear more missiles lightening the sky. There were more flares being shot up in the air as heavy artillery pounded the ground. Heavy gunfire started to crowd all around us we were in the middle of battle. Tanks and military vehicles were cutting through the bush leaving us to watch each step.

I looked around and heard voices. I gave the signal and everyone took cover. As everyone got down tiny foot soldiers were making their way through the area.

Chase and I got behind a bush while Law and his guys covered the docs. Young African boys no more than thirteen or fourteen years old were running through the darkness with AK-47s, pistols and other machine guns. On their vest they had knives, flares, grenades and other military grade weapons.

One boy in particular passed us. He was speaking to the others giving them directions as they spread out. They were right on our tail. They looked around and I could only hope we didn't have to charge. It was them or us. Chase and I eased down in the bushes and Charlie was behind a tree. We waited patiently until the coast was clear.

Charlie gave the signal and we all headed North. The traitorous terrain was less than desirable. In some areas we had no cover while others was thick thistles of roots and leaves.

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