Chapter 18 ~ Fighting for Freedom

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Tasha POV

"Dinner time...," some bald headed freak called out hitting an empty pot across the cages. He looked a little thrown off but what caught my attention was a set of keys attached to his belt. I leaned over trying to figure out if I could grab the man and maybe his keys but the slots of the cage weren't wide enough.

"Here little puppy," he said to one of the docs, Dr. Holcomb from New Zealand, who was in the cage close to the window. Dr. Holcomb looked frightened with his torn shirt and shorts on. He was wearing a collar around his neck and he was filthy. You could tell he had lost weight as his cheeks were starting to cave in and his eyes had dark purple circles around them. His blond hair was dirty and matted up and he had cuts and bruises on his body.

"Paco is going to eat you alive tonight at the fights. You better eat up because you are going to need your strength," Baldy said chuckling. His chuckle turned into a laugh and I noticed he was missing his two front teeth.

"Koa waiho ahau anake," Holcomb said shaking his head.

"Awe puppy don't be like that. Come here," Baldy said. 

Holcomb was scrunched up in the corner of the cage shaking his head no. Somehow he was afraid of this overbearing, potbelly no hair man. I could see fear in Holcomb's eyes as Baldy opened up the cage.

"Come here little puppy, it's okay. I know you scared but it will be okay," he said holding out his hand with a cookie in it. I could see Holcomb inching closer to Baldy.

"That's it," he said. He had one hand behind his back with a chain and on the end was a clip. He was going to chain Holcomb around neck.

"No! Leave him alone," I yelled out as the others looked at me. Holcomb backed up and Baldy turned in my direction. He was furious which lead him to crumble up the cookie and throw it at Holcomb. I watched as Holcomb quickly hurried to the crumble cookie and picked up the pieces to eat it. Wasn't anybody else going to say anything? Were they to frighten to speak up?

"Gustov was right you need a muzzle," he said closing Holcomb's cage and walking in my direction.

"We are not wild caged animals and I won't be silence!"

"There's always a bitch in the pack. Are you trying to save your little puppies?"

"We are human beings. Just wait until I get out. Your ass is grass and I am going to be the lawnmower."

"Funny talk from a dog with a bullet in her leg. Do you want to fight for Puppy over there?" he said pointing to Holcomb.

I looked at Holcomb and back to Baldy. Baldy was wearing a grey t-shirt and camouflaged pants along with some old tennis shoes. One of his eyes was bigger than the other and I could smell the stench of his breath and body odor.

"Exactly what I thought even though you wouldn't last five seconds with Paco. He would eat you alive, chew up your bones and spit you out. Although he never had dark meat before, he would probably get a kick out of you."

"Screw you and your Paco."

"You don't have to be so rude Bitchy. Just for that no food for you! Maybe I should starve you and then we will see how much mouth you have then."

"I'm not afraid of you. You are just a wannabe. You wanna feel important. Santos has no respect for you so he sent you down here. You have a little man complex because none of Santos men like you, so the only way you can be in charge is to harass us. You are nothing to them and nothing to us. Some of them may be scared of you but I ain't."

"Some big talk for tomadura de pelo negro. You black tease. We will see."

He leaned over looking inside my cage and I stared back at him. He couldn't do much as I was protected by iron of the cage. Maybe I could get under his skin and make him leave. Rosa always said I had a big mouth. He looked at me and turned around. He grabbed on to the bars and started to shake the cage with anger in his eyes.

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