Chapter 14 ~ First Impresssions

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Tasha POV

I woke up in darkness and I couldn't move my hands or feet. I tried to move but something was digging into my skin. They had stuffed my mouth with something that tasted like dirty and old men's cologne that made me want to gag. I felt movement coming from below and I had to be in the trunk of a car. Trying to figure out how to escape one of the tires must have hit a pothole as my body was propelled up and down. Whoever was driving needed to take a driver's ed course for real.

We hit another hole or something causing me to bump my forehead. Instantly I felt wetness starting to run in the corner of my brow. I just hoped that it was just a tiny scratch and nothing major. My doctor instinct was coming through as I needed to see if the cut was more than what it was. I swear if it left a bruise somebody was going to get hurt, because all my other bruises I was able to hide.

I could feel myself drifting, the one thing that gave me pause. It felt like someone was broiling me as the temperature from the hot sun was starting to make my skin red. I felt a sting going across my brow, yep the cut was deeper than I thought. I could feel the blood starting to run down my eye, so I closed them and tried to move my head to keep it from entering into my eye. I kept them close tight trying to wipe it away but whatever was underneath me was hard and rough.

I tried fighting the sleep that was threatening me. I moved my body around and I felt something digging in my stomach. I twisted around until I realized I still had Benny's phone. All I needed to do was to find something to get my hands loose and I would be home free. I tried positioning my feet in front of me to see if something was sharp or if I could find whatever sliced my head open.

The car hit another bump and continued to swerve on the road causing me to get dizzy. I shook my head trying to fight it off but it was no use. I rolled back deeper into the trunk and my head must have hit the side of the spare. Whoever was driving must have been trying to kill me before we made it to our destination.

"Think T," I said to myself. I closed my eyes trying to focus to see how I could think of a way out.

"Look at you stupid girl. You done got ya self in some deep shit," I heard Rosa laughing at me. "Now how are ya gonna get yo self out of this?"

"Leave me alone!" I screamed out.

"Whatcha gonna do Tasha? You all tied up and nowhere to go." I could smell her warm breath against my face.

"Get out my head Rosa."

"Oh so now I'm Rosa? Girl I brought you in this world and I will take you out. You betta show me some respect!"

"You're not real, you're not real," I repeated to myself.

"Girl I am real. I am always gonna be on that ass, you best believe," she said blowing cigarette smoke in my face.

I squeezed my eyes tighter. Was I literally going crazy?

"Tasha I'm not going away," she said inches from my face. I could smell the stench of menthol and hear her raspy voice. "Look at me gal when I'ma talkin to ya."

"You're not real..."

I felt something hit my face. "I told ja you better respect me. I dare you to cry!" She yelled.

I quickly opened my eyes. Darkness was still covering me and I was still alone. I took a deep breath and no matter how hard I tried, Rosa taunted me. Even after all these years I had somewhat found peace but it wasn't until I saw her in the emergency room that my nightmares started again.

Breaking out my daze I needed to find a way out. I tried wiggling my wrist out the ropes but the more I tried the more the rope would burn. I didn't care about the pain I just wanted my freedom. I continued to grit my teeth until I could feel my hands sliding through. Next I worked on my feet and then took the musty rag out my mouth which finally led to my freedom.

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