Part 18 - meeting family and friends

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Me and Draco were up in our bedroom getting dressed. I had some muggle jeans on, they weren't all too tight but they. Had some tightness to them and I had a Slitherin green T-shirt on. I had to admit that the Slitherin green actually. Contracted well with my eyes. I also put on a black jacket and was ready to leave.

"Dray are you ready?" I called to the other end of our walk in closet. "What to wear, what to wear, AAAAHHHH" I just heard from the other end.

When I heard the scream I ran to him "are you okay" I say as I got to him. "I'm fine I've just never been afraid to dress too fancy or too casual. Can you help me?" He asked. I just looked at him, smiled and kissed the tip of his nose. Earning a slight blush from him.

"Here put this on" I handed him some jeans like the once's I was wearing. A light blue T-shirt and a gray jacket. He went to the changing station in the closet and came back out.

Merlin he looked good with those jeans on. I thought to myself. I couldn't believe he was mine and I was his. Nothing could ever change that no matter what they tried.

"Ok now I'm ready, I think" Draco said, I just smiled at him and nodded.

We went downstairs to use the chimney that they had in the sitting room. Both Lucious and Narcissa were sitting in there wondering. Why we were dressed like we were.

"Were going to the Weasley's for dinner, we told you yesterday" Draco said a bit upset. His parents obviously didn't remember the. Conversation we had had the other night. His parents just nodded, "well what are you waiting for. Then get going" Narcissa said.

We hurried into the chimney, I went first so the Weasley's weren't just suddenly. Standing in their home and their former enemy came in.

When I go to the Weasley's Mrs. Weasley hurried over to me and gave me a big thigh hug. "Hello dear how are you?, where's Draco?" She asked. "Oohh I'm fine thank you Mrs. Weasley and. Draco should be coming any second now" I said.

Just as I finished saying that Draco was walking out from the chimney. "Hello dear" Mrs. Weasley said giving Draco a tight hug. I could see he wasn't used to this. I gave him a big smile and he just smiled back at me.

"Could you boys go get the rest they're all out there playing quidditch" Mrs. Weasley said. "Oohh sure Mrs Weasley" I said back. "Harry dear how often do I need to tell you. Call me Molly" she said back before smiling at the two of us.

When we got out we saw everyone up in the air on their brooms playing. Everyone except for Hermione of course. She was sat in the grass reading a book, "hey Hermione" I said smiling at her. With Draco walking just behind me. With a hand on my waist she looked up from her book and. Ran over giving me a big hug.

She let go almost instantly because we heard a good almost loud growl coming from Draco. "Sorry I didn't think it would be a big deal" Hermione said. She obviously didn't think it would be a big deal. You could hear it in her voice. "Mrs. Weasley wanted us to get you guys" I called up to everyone.

When everyone got down I was pushed out of Draco's arms into a huge group hug. Draco was about to attack. His wing were out and he was getting really overprotective. And jealous, I have to get out of this group hug I thought to myself.

When I finally got out of it Fleur was trying to hold Draco back. Everyone was staring at him not realizing how big of a. Deal it was for Draco I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug. We stood there for a second.

Or until Mrs. Weasley called out that it was dinner. We got inside and I sat next to Draco. With my hand on his thigh to try and keep him relaxed.

We all talked throughout dinner and had fun. Even Draco laughed a bit with us. Mrs. and Mr. Weasley asked Draco a lot of questions. About what he likes and what he dislikes.

I was so happy when we went back, it had been amazing to see. Draco bond with his family like that.


It was good to see everyone there. Everyone seemed so nice and Harry was so happy. To have his family back.

When we got back to the Manor my mother stopped us just. Before we were going upstairs "boys I have to talk to you in my office" she said sweetly.

I looked at Harry who was just as confused as I was. Although we follow her up the stairs. And into her office when we got there. She closed the door and locked it with her wand.

"Alright boy's lets get down to business" my mother said. She obviously saw the confusion in both mine and Harry's faces. Because she continued "me and Lucious want to build you. Guys your own house that way you can have a bit more privacy. The house will be here on our land. Since we have so much space" she paused for a second with a serious look on her face.

And seriousness in her voice. "We just wanted to see how many bedrooms and. Bathrooms you guys wanted as well as what style. You were leaning forwards" she said the last part. With quite interest in her voice. "It's up to Harry" I said looking at him, "can I give you an. Answer tomorrow? It's been a long afternoon" Harry said.

He was obviously exhausted after the dinner with the Weasley's. "Of course Harry dear" my mother said.

We went straight to our room, when we got there we went straight to bed and got comfortable. I had my arms and wings around him and. He had his face in my chest.

When I thought he was almost asleep he spoke up. "How many kids do you want Dray?" He asked me. I was shocked to say the least. I knew that in our world males could get pregnant.

I just didn't think Harry wanted to bare a kid. "I don't know maybe three if. That's okay with you" I answered. "Okay that sounds nice. We'll need five bedrooms then?" He asked me.

"What why five?" I asked a bit confused. "Well we'll need one. And our kids will need one each and then I want at least. One guest room" he said simply "well alright then five. Bedrooms it is" I chuckled "how many bathrooms were you. Thinking about?" I asked him.

"I was thinking we could have five bathrooms, all kids and us could. Have our own bathroom and then one maybe two guest. Rooms" Harry said, I was shocked to say the least.


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