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I don't remember much about that day. He had me so heavily drugged that I can't say I'm sure about anything that happened. I remember he dragged me away and strapped me down on his table. The scalpel scraped away my bone. I could feel my soul shake. I could feel the pain spread through my whole body. I tried to fight but I could not move. He moved the scalpel to my right eye socket. The scalpel stopped for a second then plunged into my eye. I screamed in pure agony and he paused. As an after thought, he stabbed me with a pain killer. Then he continued without waiting for the painkillers to take affect. He scraped in and around my eye and then he moved to the other one. After I thought there couldn't possibly be anything worse, he started breaking bones. First all my fingers, then my legs, then my arms. It seemed he was done, till he all of a sudden pushed down on my chest, breaking most of my ribs. The last thought I had before I passed out was: well, I'm going to die. Then everything went black for the second time that day.

Stars Pov:

Oh my God, B's gone?! We should never have left him here! Oh god, what are we going to do? We have to find him, oh my God, this all my fault! *Stars be like, freaking out noises*  Fell! Where do we look? Fell: HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW? Swap: FELL! STOP IT! Wing: let's just go look people! I'll go with Fell, Swap, go with Stars! Yes, come on! I said as I ran out the door. I went towards SwapFell's hospital, but I was sure it wouldn't still be there. And I was right. There was nothing but some old empty boxes and junk. I ran right and saw some lights. There was a shed, and went I looked inside, there was a bunch of science tools. I reminded myself to come back to this later with Wings. I kept running and eventually had to turn back. I hoped the other group was having better luck.


Fell's Pov:

Stupid stupid stupid! I should have been watching him! I can't believe I let my guard down! I am supposed to be better then the rest of them! No, don't think about it now. Just find B, and get the hell out of this void. And hopefully KILL FUCKING SWAPFELL!!!!!!  I can't believe he got B again! Who knows what he will do or has already done! Let's go! Wing and me ran the opposite direction of Stars and Swap, they were probably going to the site of the old hospital. I had already been there several times and I knew that the hospital wasn't there anymore. I ran with Wing to an area I hadn't explored yet. B better be ok or I swear, this will not be child friendly content. Not that it is either way... I saw some lights and sped up. Wing was falling behind, must be tired already. And there it was. Bright as day, no protection or traps to get in our way. I teleported to the door and rushed inside, only checking that Wing was following. Once inside, I screamed SwapFell's name. Right now I didn't care about being sneaky, I just wanted B. SwapFell appeared behind me and said: you called me~ I turned and punched him in the face hard. He fell back into Wing who immediately recoiled and pushed him off. I grabbed him by his shirt and Wing used his magic to keep him still. WHERE IS B  I demanded. He weakly pointed toward a door. (Real quick, SwapFell was already weak because he had been fighting anomalies when he saw that B was unattended. He never expected to have him long, but he wanted to at least kill him or break him beyond repair.) Wing kept a hold on him while I ran through the door. What I saw stopped me speechless. B was on a table by the door strapped down. He was bleeding all over the place and I could barely see his body for all the blood. Just about all of his bones looked broken. Worst of all was his eyes. I had never seen then open. They were now open, his empty sockets staring at me. Blood was pouring out of them, like tears, except with blood. There was a few tears mixed in them though. I could tell he had sobbed, begged and fought. But I could also tell he had given up. He didn't have any hope left in his body. He fully thought that we would let him die there. I switched with Wing because he knew the best way to carry him and hurt him the least. Anyway we tried would hurt him, but I knew I would probably hurt him more. Wing took one look and his sockets turned dark. He said nothing but carefully scooped up B and followed me out. I hurt SwapFell enough that he would die slowly unless someone else helped him. I also snapped off his arms and legs so that he couldn't help himself. I threw them far away. Me and Wing teleported back to the house to begin what would be an endless time of pain and sadness. When we laid B down on the examination table in the lab, he opened his empty eye sockets which I had closed, and said: h e h u r t m e a g a i n.

I hate to add anything to that, but let me quickly say I'm sorryyyyyyyyy! I didn't mean to make it so sad and depressing and painful! I just did! Sorry for the cliffhanger too! I gave you another one! Also, that is it for SwapFell as far as this story goes. I'm sick of him. He will still be mentioned, but we ain't seeing him or dealing with that piece of Sh*t. Love ya doves!

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