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Alright, as you probably have noticed, there hasn't been any real chapters lately. I discussed this in my other A\N so be sure you read them to stay updated. So, recently, my best friend killed herself because of her depression. So it's been hard to write and do anything really. This A\N is just to encourage you all. please, if you are depressed, killing yourself is not the right way to go. Cause there are people who care about you. And you killing yourself makes them think that it's their fault. That they did something wrong or that they weren't paying attention to you or something. And that guilt, is horrible. I never want to have to deal with something like that again. And I'll be honest, the idea of killing myself has crossed my mind a lot especially lately, but I know that there are people out there who love me and care about me, and I don't want anyone to have to go through what I have recently been through. And even if you think no one cares about you, that's not true cause you're reading this. And I care for each and every one of you even if you don't comment. Even if I don't know you, even if you don't vote, even if you don't read every chapter, cause this book isn't about the popularity. While it is amazing how many people are reading this, the reason I wrote this is because I wanted to, for myself. And I published it because I saw that there was next to nothing for B and I wanted to provide for other fans of his. And honestly, the reason I like him is probably because he is a lot like me. Quiet, shy, loves to sing, and while I'm not fully blind, I do wear glasses. And seriously, I think most if not all teenagers go through depression. And for some, there's no one there for them and they just end up so sad and lonely that they end themselves. And I don't want that to happen to anyone. Everyone deserves to live, and be happy, and to have someone love them. Now, at the end of all chapters, I'm going to ask you all questions about yourself. Not personal ones, just things like your favorite color and little facts to get to know you. Feel free to not answer, but you can also ask me any questions too. And if you want to message me, you can do that too, I always answer. I'm here for you guys. Just please, don't end your own life, cause I love you all. Thanks for listening to me my doves.


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