The Second Task

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Throughout the week, I practiced my shadow-traveling, and shadow-swimming. It was all I could do in the case of the second task, which drew closer and closer, in a rather terrifying speed. I didn't like that much, I'll admit.

It was all going way too quickly. At least you have a plan. At least you've got an idea. I could shadow-swim.

"Hey, Alice, I think I ought to tell you something," Harry said one day after Potions.

"What? 'Hey, Alice, I forgot to say hello to my sister today, there it is, now I'm a good sibling?'" I retorted.

"Blimey, Alice, I am not like that!" Harry protested.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"The next challenge is underwater." Harry called. "Thought you ought to know."

I whipped around. "You decide to tell me now."

"It's better than not telling you at all," said Harry with a shrug.

"Yeah, what you did for the last challenge," I sneered.

"You mean you went into it with no-" his green eyes widened.

"No. Wesley told me. The day before, no less. I got ridiculously lucky." I informed him.

"Still, you're okay-"

"Let me get one thing straight with you, Harry. I could've died not knowing. I'm in the most disadvantage. You've got at least favoritism. I am the youngest, most hated competitor. I won't deal with that lightly." I said. "I thought you would help me, but I was wrong."

"But I am helping you!" Harry protested.

"You think I didn't already know about the egg? I found out. On accident. I didn't share some little tips, because you never did for me." I snarled.

"You're my twin! You're supposed to tell me stuff!" He cried.

"Or is it because you're the Chosen One, and everything is on a platter for you?" I asked.

"Hey!" I turned back around, though. "It's not as easy as you think! There are high standards!"

I whipped around. "You want to talk about standards? Really? I have a narrow range! I have to be good enough that I don't look like a failure, but I can't dare eclipse you!"

"Is that so bad?!" Harry exclaimed. "Not having quite as much pressure?"

I turned back around. "You act like you've suffered so badly, but you've lived better than you'll ever know!"

I rolled my eyes and continued on to Alchemy.

There's a tempest rising around me on the water. I kick and kick, but there is no rescue. If I try to swim down, I crash into the cool, rotating walls of water, and rain pelts my face even harder. If I dive down, deeper, my lungs take in water. If I try to stay afloat... Staying afloat is pain, but it's all I can do- all I can ever do.

Faces swirl around me. Faces that mock and laugh. They tell me that I'm not suffering, that I am being blessed. Blessings are this painful? I hate heaven, if this is what it thinks is a reward for me.

Stay strong, I tell myself. You are a fighter. You relish challenges. Yes, that sounds right in my head. I will keep fighting against the rising tempest, or at least, I promise myself back before I see the face in it. My own.

I woke up, gasping in lungfuls of air. I placed a hand to my throat, feeling for any constrictions. The dream just felt so real. I started to change my clothes into a Blondie t-shirt and jeans, with my trainers, and bothered to comb out my lilac hair, and then pulled my jacket on over it, and slid on my fingerless gloves. I scooped up my bag, and headed down to the breakfast table.

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