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It was August 20th, 2010. And again, It was another normal day. 

Resting at your house, feet on the table, scrolling through channels on the television, a cereal bowl lied beside the armrest of the chair.

Currently, you were watching the weather forecast channel. The sun shines bright through the window, the sounds of cars and busses vroom by your home. Parents out of the house doing work, a note and an apple the only trace they left behind on the kitchen table. 

Yep, another normal day indeed.

With a yawn, you switched the TV channel into something more of your pace. Scrolling through the channels, a scowl appears on your face as nothing piques your interest, so with a yawn, you kept the channel back to the weather forecast. 

Apollo: If only that fighting show with the 7 balls thing was still on Cartoon Network... I liked that one episode where that crazy-haired muscly guy was fighting that space alien freak.

Stretching your arms and legs out, you stood up to wash the cereal bowl in the sink. 

After washing the bowl and putting it back on the rack, you ate your apple and pulled out your phone.

Apollo: What's trending today...?

Opening up an application with a colored camera as its profile, you skimmed through your homepage, flooded by news about a school called Hope's Peak Academy.

Apollo: (Sigh) More of the same...

From what you've heard, Hope's Peak is doing its annual recruiting for new ultimate talents around the nation. You would love to be scouted and get enrolled into Hope's Peak, but sadly, you know full well you don't possess any ultimate talent.

Well, maybe if you counted dance games such as Dance Dance Revolution or Pump it Up as ultimate talents, maybe you could strive to achieve it. 

Sadly, even through your love for dance games, you know you weren't even the best at it. 

Or maybe you could strive for Ultimate Reader, since you loved books, but you also know that was impossible. No one would accept that as an ultimate talent, after all.

So with a sigh, you close the application and finished your apple, throwing the core away to the trash bin.

You then opened up another app with a white arrow pointing to the right side, a red background coloring the rest of the profile. 

Scrolling through the videos, you read as you expected it to be about. Hope's Peak Academy.

Apollo: Ugh... 

Seeing how you weren't gonna find anything interesting, you closed your phone and went upstairs into your room. Since it was the summer break, all you could do was either play games on your computer with your friends at your highschool, or you could chill at the mall. And, since you've already gone to the mall yesterday, you decided to go and play some computer games.

After playing for hours on end, you were surprised to hear your parents' car arrive at the garage. They'd normally be out of the house until evening, so curiosity overwhelms you as you told your friends through voice call that you had to go check something out. Muting your mic and leaving your current game, you went downstairs to greet your parents.

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