10 | The Kiss

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Brad's POV

I grab the half-full glass of whisky the bartender just handed me and go back to the table where apparently everyone disappeared from. Perfect, I didn't feel like talking to anyone anyways. The way all the guys in here are looking at Em is fucking pissing me off. And she's not helping dancing like that. It's like she's doing it on purpose.

"What's up", Tris says after he suddenly appeared out of nowhere and sits down beside me, closely followed by a clearly wasted girl. "What's going on with you and Em?" he adds as the girl sits on his lap.

"What do you mean?" I ask, turning my head to face him.

"Come on man, I can physically see the tension between you two. Did you guys fight or something?"

I turn my attention back to the dance floor where a guy's dancing with Em, way too close to her for my liking. Did she forget about Jay or something?

"Look at her", I say, nodding in her direction. "She's acting like a fucking slut tonight"

"Whoa, dude, it's Em you're talking about, not some random chick", Tris says as if I just insulted his mother. "And all I see is her having a great time, what wrong with that?"

"By letting some creep touch her like that?" I answer, clenching my fists at the sight of Em and that guy.

Tris laughs at my comment, bringing my attention back to him.

"Ok, what now?" I ask, seeing his exaggerated reaction.

"Have you ever asked yourself why you always get all worked up seeing her with other guys?"

"Fuck off", I answer to his nonsense. "I just don't want her to make a stupid mistake tonight"

He laughs again, clearly not buying what I just said.

"Keep telling that yourself", he answers and before I can answer anything, the Barbie doll glued to him gets off his laps, almost falling to the floor, and grabs Tris's hand.

"I'm bored", she says in a whiny voice. "Let's go dance"

Tris gets up and before following her to the dance floor, he turned to me.

"If you hate seeing her with that guy that much, why don't you go up there and do something about it?" he says before disappearing in the crowd.

I take a sip of my drink, my eyes stuck on Em as she moves her hips, the guy moving closer and closer to her. The way he's looking at her is making me sick. And she's clearly too drunk to even realize what's happening. And as I think about what that guy has in mind at that moment, he moves his hands from Em's waist to her ass. That's it. I storm off to where Em is dancing and pull the guy away from her.

Emma's POV

I'm enjoying myself, not thinking about anything, simply dancing to the rhythm of the music when the guy I'm dancing with starts being a little too touchy. But before I can do anything about it, Brad suddenly appears out of nowhere and pushes him away from me.

"Don't fucking touch her like that", Brad says, barely audible through the loud music.

"What's your problem asshole", the guy answers trying to come back to me. "She's clearly liking it"

And the truth is , I was enjoying it. I was feeling things I haven't felt in ages, and I didn't want it to stop.

"I wanna dance", I say as I make my way back to the stranger, pushing past Brad. It doesn't take long before his hands are back on me, grabbing my butt, pulling my dress higher than I'd liked when sober. Brad quickly grabs me by the arm and pulls me away from the guy.

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