Chapter 22: Grand Opening

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Trixie's POV
*four months later*

I tried not to think about Katya. There was no need to. I had been focused on my wedding, which was tomorrow, and the grand re-opening of the restaurant, which was tonight. I made sure to invite Katya, through text of course. She didn't reply though, just read it. I didn't know what I expected from her, but it wasn't this. "Stevie, are you ready?" I walked into Stevie's office as I put in one of my earrings.

"Oh, um I forgot to tell you but I'm not going."


"I have stuff to do at the office."

"Really Stevie?"

"I'm sorry."

"Fuck you and your sorry." I rolled my eyes and walked back in the bedroom.

"Beatrice, don't be like that."

"Stevie, I don't ask any thing of you. But somehow the one time I do ask, you don't even pull through." Stevie was quiet as he looked at me. I shook my head and sat on the bed, putting on my heels. Stevie sighed and picked up a tiny white pill bottle.

"What are these?"

"You can read."

"'re taking birth control?"

"That's what the bottle says and they are mine so I must be."

"Why? You know I want a son."

"That's why Stevie. You want a son. After you pulled the condom off that one time and came inside of me, I don't want to take any chances. You are so careless when it comes to what I want so yeah. Better safe than sorry." I stood up and walked in the bathroom to fix up my makeup. I could hear Stevie following behind me.

"Who have you been hanging out with?"


"You are a complete bitch now. Is it that blonde bitch from the cake tasting? My mom said she didn't the way she looks, said she looks like one of those dykes."

"And if she is one? What you gonna do?"

"I don't want you hanging out with her. She could try and turn you into one of her."

"Are you being serious right now? Listen, that bitch as you call her, is named Katya. And if I hear you ever address her as anything but her name.." I stepped in Stevie's face and locked eyes with him. "I'm gonna kick you in the balls so hard that they get stuck inside of your throat. You and your witch of a mother don't talk about her at all, she has nothing to do with anything." I turned away from Stevie and went back to fixing my eye shadow.

"Well..I still don't want you hanging with her."

"Listen, I didn't have a real dad when I was younger and I sure as hell don't have one now."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means I can and will hang out with whoever the fuck I want to hang out with." I finished with my makeup and pushed past Stevie into the bedroom. I grabbed my purse and fixed my dress. "I'll be home later."


"Oh yeah, I'm not gonna be too many more of your bitches Stevie. You got a free pass tonight, it won't happen again. And tell the chick that you're doing that the office, that I said hello and that we should do lunch sometime." I smiled at Stevie and walked out of the room, down the stairs.

I arrived a little early to the restaurant, to make sure that everything was set up. As I finished with my checklist, Adore and Violet walked in. "Trixie, this place looks amazing."

"Thanks Adore."

"Oh, I'll be back. Bianca needs the directions so she can get here."

"Go ahead." Adore smiled and walked out of the restaurant to talk to Bianca. Violet smiled as she looked around.

"You did a really good job with everything."

"I sure did try. Hey um, do you know if Katya is coming?"

"Well, when I talked to her last week she said she was, but she's been busy lately so I don't know."

"Ah, okay. Thanks Violet."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." After about a hour went by, the restaurant was starting to fill up. The new cooks I hired were busy with orders while everyone else enjoyed themselves. Everyone expect me. I couldn't help but stare at the door, waiting for Katya to walk in.

"Hey Trixie."

"Oh hey Shea. I'm glad you could make it."

"I wouldn't miss all this. I wanted to see if you could really pull it off."


"You know it. So, is she here?"


"The blonde you were fucking?"

"Shhh! You're the only person that knows about that Shea. But she isn't here yet, I don't know where she is. I made sure to invite her though."

"I'm sure she'll come."

"I want to see her..I miss her Shea."

"Why not tell her that?"

"She declines my calls, ignores my texts. She doesn't want to talk to me."

"I'm sorry babe." I felt someone tap on my shoulder as I talked to Shea. I turned to see Violet standing behind me.

"Oh hey Violet. Is something wrong?"

"Katya is here." Violet pointed in the direction of the entrance.

"Oh, um thanks Violet." I looked past all the people and saw Katya. I also saw that Katya wasn't alone. She was with a dark haired girl. I felt my body go numb as I looked at Katya with her arm another woman. Katya and the dark haired woman started to make their way over to us. I wanted to run away but there was no where to go.

"Hey Katya."

"Hey Vi."

"You disappeared on us bitch."

"Sorry, I've been busy."

"Hey Katya, long time no see."

"Hey Shea, how's your fashion line?"

"It's going great."

"Oh this is Tatiana, she's a model. Who knows she could model for some of your clothes."

"I might have to take you up on that offer." A I noticed that Tatiana was different than me. She was slim and tall. Dark hair with tan skin. The exact opposite of me. Katya looked at me, her smiled fading.

"Hello Beatrice."

"Hi." I turned to Shea and put on a fake smile. "I'm going to go make sure everyone is enjoying themselves."

"Okay babe. I'll be here if you need anything."

"Thanks." I walked away from the girls, away from Katya and that perfect girl. I made my way around the restaurant, making sure that everyone was happy. After I was done, I went into my granddad's office. I was sad that he couldn't make it but he wasn't feeling the greatest. I laid my head on the desk and took a deep breathe. There was no way I could go back out there, I just couldn't.

What We Got Cooking in The Kitchen(Trixya)Where stories live. Discover now