Chapter 17:Party

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Katya's POV
*four weeks later*

Trixie invited me to that house warming party that her friends were throwing for her. She had been stressed as fuck lately but Stevie and his demon mother weren't gonna be home tonight. So hopefully she could feel a little better. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around me. I picked up my brush and started to run it through my hair when I heard my doorbell. "Ugh, who could that be?" I walked out of my bedroom and downstairs, still in my towel. I opened my front door and smiled when I saw Trixie standing on my welcome mat. "Well hello there."

"Uh hey Katya, did I interpret something?"

"Yeah, me getting ready for your party."

"Well, my friends made me leave so I wouldn't see what they are doing. So, here I am."

"I see, well come in." Trixie smiled and as she walked past me. "You can just do whatever while I finish getting ready."

"Awe, I don't get a kiss or anything."

"Should you get one?"

"I'd like one, please." I shook my head as I kissed Trixie. She pulled me close to her, my body pressing against hers.

"You're gonna make me want more than just a kiss."

"That's what I'm hoping for."

"Nope, no no nopey nope."

"Katya, come on. You're already naked, no point in getting dressed."

"Trixie, go sit your horny ass down. I don't want to smell like sex when I meet your friends."

"Ugh, you're no fun."

"You didn't say that last night, now did you?"

"Shut up and just go get dressed."

"That is what I've been trying to do." I walked up the stairs to my room with a small smile on my face. I walked in my closet and grabbed my sheer black dress, the dress that barely left anything to the imagination. After putting on the dress, I sat down to do my makeup. A nice bold red lip and a smokey eye with bit of glitter was my go-to. It worked with my pale skin, added a pop of color you could say. I slipped on a pair of red heels after finishing my makeup. I took a deep breathe, turned off my bedroom light and walked back downstairs to Trixie. I cleared my throat as I stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh fuck me." Trixie groaned as she covered her face.

"What's wrong?"

"Okay, so let's think about this for a minute. I get here and you're in a towel."


"Bare skin and legs on display."

"Okay, yes."

"You wouldn't give me what I wanted."


"Then you come downstairs dressed like this."

"Your point?"

"My point is that you are trying to kill me and you are closer to victory than I would like to admit." I stood in between Trixie's legs, putting my fingers in her hair, softly tugging.

"If you last through the night, I'll make all this worth it." Trixie tried to close her legs but failed. It was a natural reaction to things I said, her body reacted before her mouth could.



"Uh huh."

"Good." I kissed Trixie softly, letting my deep red mix with her light pink. I stepped back with a smile on my face. "Ready to go?"

"Uh, yeah sure."

"Good." I took Trixie's hand and walked to the door.



"I hate you."

"Oh, trust me I know you do."

The drive to the party, which was at Trixie's house was quiet. Trixie was squirming in her seat as she drove. It was pretty fucking hot to watch. When we finally reached Trixie's house, she took a deep breathe as she stopped the car. "You okay baby?"

"Yes, perfectly fine."

"Okay princess, just making sure." I put my hand on Trixie's thigh as I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her neck. She softly moaned at my touch, at the touch of my hand and lips. "Well, let's go."

"Sounds good." Trixie and I walked to her front door, not really knowing what to expect. As soon as Trixie opened the door, the sound of women screaming filled my ears. "Well then, this is wow." Trixie smiled as she took my hand and pulled me from person to person, introducing me to each one. I knew this night wasn't going to be boring in the slightest.

Trixie had a lot of friends and they all seemed to care about her happiness. I sat next to Trixie on the sofa as she talked to a woman named Shea. "Trixie, when are you going to drop his ass?"

"Shea, it's kind of too late for that."

"Oh mama, it is never too late." A woman in a tight red latex dress, named Monet spoke with a heavy attitude.

"I am with them Trixie."

"Well, thanks Bob. I was hoping you'd be the voice of reason."

"Oh please, that is like asking a cheater to be loyal."

"Kim, be nice. I just I want it to work out."

"No, you need it to so your mama will get off your back."

"Monet is right Trixie, you just want your mom to leave you alone finally."

"Thank you Shea but I know better than that. No matter what I do, my mom will never get off my back." Trixie sighed as she stood up, walking to the kitchen. I sat down my drink and followed behind her. I walked into the kitchen to find Trixie, head down leaning against the counter.

"Trix, what's wrong?"

"I want to be happy Katya."

"Then be happy."

"Katya, there is no way for that to happen."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because Stevie doesn't make me happy, no matter how hard I try for him to. No matter how low I set the bar." I pulled Trixie into my arms.

"Hey, I'm here okay? I'll try my best to make you happy even if he doesn't.'

"Katya, I'm not asking you to do that."

"And I'm not asking you to let me. I want you to be happy because you deserve it, okay?"


"Good, now let's go back out there and have fun."

"Can I have a kiss first?"

"Of course." I put my hand on Trixie's cheek, softly pulling her into a kiss. After a few seconds, I pulled away. Trixie smiled as she looked at me.

"Thank you." Trixie's smile always pulled me into her. It was like a trap I couldn't escape, a trap I didn't want to escape. I decided that then and there that I would kiss Trixie a million times just to see that smile on her face after.

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