Chapter 3:Russian Blondie

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Katya's POV
This couldn't be happening. I don't want it to happen. It doesn't need to happen. Shit, why was this happening? As I walked down the street, my mind was a mess. Why did Dan have to go and do this? What does a little blonde housewife know about running a business? My phone rang in my back pocket and pulled me from my thoughts. I reached for it and answered. "Hel-" I was cut off by yelling.

"Yekaterina Zamolodchikova! Get your yippy ass back here to this restaurant now. You are being rude to this poor girl." I pulled the phone from my ear and groaned.

"Ginger, I don't want anything to do with her."

"Katya, it isn't her fault that Dan had to pass down ownership. He's sick and it looks like she is the only one he trusted with this, so that had to be for a good reason. There is no reason at all for you to make her feel like it is her fault or that she can't do it. Give the chick a chance and stop being fucking immature. She wants to make goddamn peace you Russian whore." My stomach tighten as I listened to Ginger. She was right. Trixie didn't want this, she probably had her own shit to do.

"Fine, I will be there." Ginger hung up in my face and I just knew she was gonna hate me when I got back. After a ten minute walk, I was back at La Mattel, I swallowed hard and walked inside. No one except Trixie was sitting inside. She was sitting at the same spot as before. I walked to the back without her seeing me.

"Nope, take your ass out there and apologize to her." Ginger blocked the door to the lounge with her arms crossed.

"I didn't do anything." Ginger looked at me and pointed to Trixie.

"Now." I rolled my eyes and stepped back onto the main floor. Trixie was still unaware to my presence. I walked to her and tapped her shoulder, she jumped and turned to face me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She smiled sweetly and chuckled.

"It is okay, I shouldn't have my music up so loud. Ginger told me to stay for some reason so I decided to catch up on Dolly's music. Did you need something?"

"Oh yeah, um." Trixie looked shocked and reached for something in her bag.

"Hey, here. I managed to save you a few macaroons. Violet and Adore really like sweets." She handed me the small bag with a tiny smile on her face. "Listen, I am sorry."

"Wait, for what?"

"Well, this is a really big change for you. I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything, I'm here to help my grandfather. But as soon as he is better, I will be gone. I don't want to make anyone's life terrible or anything." My gut hurt. Like fully hurt. She was saying sorry to me, for nothing at all. What kind of southern training does she have?

"Oh, it's fine. Um but I needed to talk to you." Trixie looked at her phone and then at me.

"Can we maybe talk tomorrow? My fiancé just texted me and is wondering where I am."

"Oh yeah sure."

"Good, here is my number. You can text me tonight and we can talk tonight if you prefer that." Trixie wrote her number on a napkin and handed it to me before grabbing her things. "Please tell the others I said 'bye'. I really hope we can work well together Katya." Trixie smiled one last time at me and walked out the door to her car. I heard the lounge door open and Ginger step out.

"How'd it go?" I looked down at the napkin in my hand.

"I have no idea."

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