Chapter 5:Off Day

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Katya's POV
I looked at the message Trixie sent me. She forgave me even though I was an asshole. As I laid in bed, I closed the message and went to Instagram. "Hmm, how many people could be named Trixie?" I looked through Instagram as I pet Max's head. I loved having a big dog, such a comfort when you didn't let people that close to you. I typed in the name Trixie Mattel on Instagram and started the long process of searching for her. After 30 minutes of what felt like useless scrolling, I found her. I clicked on her profile and my eyes were assaulted with bright pinks and yellows. She was beautiful, there was no denying that. "Hmm, for someone who is supposed to be getting married, she sure seems single." There were no pictures of Trixie and her soon to be husband. Instead I had to go to her tagged pictures to see the 'lucky' guy. "Seems stuck up." I locked my phone and turned off my bedside light. I had to go into work tomorrow and I was on edge about how everything would go. I may have said sorry but that doesn't mean I actually was, maybe.

The sound of my alarm woke me up. I dragged myself out of bed and went into the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and getting dressed. I walked downstairs and grabbed a cup of coffee. After feeding Max, I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door. I put my headphones on and started my walk to the restaurant. I stopped at the usual bakery to pick up a box of donuts for the girls. As soon as I walked in Tony, the owner, saw me. "Hey Katya, how's it shaking today?"

"Pretty good Tony, how's the baby?"

"Eh, he cries, shits and sucks on my wife's rack, he's living the life."

"How's Mary taking on motherhood?"

"Oh it is like a dream come true to her. She is just crazy about the little champ."

"Well I am glad to hear that."

"What are ya having today? The usual?"

"Uh yeah, that sounds good but uh." I looked at the display and saw these new pink cookies. "Hey what are those?"

"Oh those are strawberry shortcake. I got a new baker and she gots loads of ideas."

"Hmm, well I'll take four of those."

"You got it." Tony put all of the sugary treats in a bag and handed them to me. I gave him a $20 and turned to walk out of the door. "Hey, don't want your change?"

"Nah, keep it." I walked the ten minutes to the restaurant and took a deep breathe as I opened the door. It was quiet, no one seemed to be here. I looked around and saw a small light on in the kitchen. I walked in the kitchen and was met by Ginger cleaning the counters. "Hey Ging, what's going on?"


"But uh, why are the lights off in the front?"

"Trixie wants to change a few things before we open."

"So where's Adore and Violet?"

"Katya, we aren't working today."

"What the hell? Why not?"

"Ugh, do you not listen? I told you already, Trixie wants to change some things before we open back up." Just as I was going to ask Ginger details, Trixie walked in.

"Ginger, where are the.." Trixie paused as she saw me. "Oh, good morning Katya." She turned her attention back to Ginger. "Ginger, do you know where the rest of the files are regarding the past funds of this place and whatnot?"

"I believe your grandfather kept them in his bottom drawer."

"Thank you." Trixie smiled at me and walked back to the office.

"What is she doing?"

"Well, she is going over the financial records."


"Katya, she is the owner now. She has to know the financial state of her restaurant."

"Hey! It is not her restaurant. Watch it."

"Whatever you say kid. You might as well leave, there isn't anything for you to do here."

"Nah, I think I'll stay around."

"Don't cause any trouble Katya."

"And what kind of trouble would I possibly cause?" Ginger signed as I sat on one of the counters. "Oh, here are the donuts for this morning. I got everyone's favorite, not that it matters though." Ginger took her donut and bit into it. "So, why are you here if the place is closed?"

"She needed my help with stuff."

"Such as?"

"If you wanna know so bad, go ask her."

"You know what? I will." I jumped off of the counter and walked out of the kitchen. I knocked on the office door as I held the bag with the rest of the treats in it.

"Come in." I slowly opened the door and saw Trixie looking through a stack of paper. "Oh hello Katya. Did Ginger tell you that we at closed today?"

"Yeah, she did. I don't have anything else to do today so I was just going to stay around."

"That's fine. I won't be out of here much. I have a lot of things to sort out."

"That sounds like a lot of a hassle."

"Yeah, it isn't what I really signed up for."

"Eh, is anything really what we sign up for?" Trixie looked up from her papers and looked at me.

"You know, I think you're right about that. You can sit down if you would like." I walked to the chair in front of Trixie's desk and sat down. I looked down at the bag in my hand and put it on her desk. "What's that?"

"I usually get good morning treats for everyone. The rest of the girls aren't here so you can have them." Trixie smiled and looked in the bag.

"Oh, these cookies are the cutest."

"Yeah, I kinda picked them for you."

"Awe, that is so sweet of you. My fiancé doesn't even do things like that for me." Trixie took one of the cookies and took a bite. "This is heavenly. I love baking."

"What kind of things do you bake?"

"Well, I used to bake cookies, cupcakes, cake, any treat I could think of. It was the highlight of my life."

"You said 'used to' do you not bake anymore?"

"My fiancé didn't like it."

"Well, that sucks."

"Yeah, I guess you can say that." Trixie looked at me with a small smile.

"What is it?"

"Would you like to have lunch with me?"


"Oh, to get to know you better. We will be working together."

"Oh, sure okay."

"Good, you can go wait in the car. I won't be long." Trixie gave me her keys and smiled. I got up and walked out of the office. Confused about her more than I was before.

"Wasn't what I went in there for."

What We Got Cooking in The Kitchen(Trixya)Where stories live. Discover now