Chapter 12:Bubbles

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Trixie's POV
I walked into the house with my heels in my hand after dropping Katya off. I dragged myself into the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was about 2am, and I felt sleepiness starting to pull at my body. I grabbed a bottle of cold water and took a few sips. "Trixie, is that you?" I rolled my eyes as I heard Stevie's voice. He walked into the kitchen and turned on the light. "Where have you been?"

"Out." I walked past Stevie, up the stairs and to the bedroom.

"Yeah, I know that. You weren't here when I got off work."

"Yes, I am aware of that."

"Well, are you aware that our mothers have been calling the house phone all day today?"

"Hmm, is that why the voicemail was full?" I sat at my vanity and started to pull bobby pins out of my hair. "So, what did they want? I know you called them back."

"They were asking about the wedding."

"Oh, the wedding that they are planning? The wedding that I have almost nothing to do with? That wedding?"

"Trixie, they just want the best for you."

"No, they want the best for themselves so they look good for their friends."

"Beatrice, why are you being so rude?"

"I'm not being rude, I'm just telling you the truth. You don't care about what they do because it barely affects you."

"That isn't true."

"Oh, which part?"

"Both." I laughed as I wiped away my makeup. "Anyway, who were you with?"

"Who said that I went out with someone?" I looked in the mirror and looked at Stevie as he watched me.

"I mean, just look at the way you are dressed."

"What are you trying to say? Think I'm gonna give someone else a baby or something?" I stood up and walked in the closet. I grabbed my towel and something to sleep in.

"Trixie, what the fuck?"

"Yes? Can I help you?"

"Who were you with?" I tried to walk past Stevie to the bathroom, but he grabbed my arm before I could. "I asked you a question." I looked down at Stevie's hand and smiled.

"You better drop that temper before I end up on First 48." Stevie moved his hand and stepped back. "Listen, when you tell me about your late night trips, then I will tell you who I was with." Stevie looked a bit taken back by my words. "Yeah, I know. Watch it Stevie, watch it." I turned on my heels and walked to the bathroom down the hall, wanting to be as far away from Stevie as possible. I ran water in the tub as I put my hair in a bun. I walked downstairs, grabbed a bottle of red whine and a glass, then went back upstairs. I poured myself a glass of whine as I poured bubble soap into the warm water. I undressed and stepped into the bath, letting myself relax. My phone buzzed beside me as I took a sip of my whine. I looked at the bright pink screen and saw that I had text from Katya. I picked up my phone and read the message.

Katya: Hey, I had a great time tonight

Katya: I can't wait for you to answer my question though, I'm curious to know how a woman can survive with poor sex

Katya: All of the woman I have come to know have always left me with an air of satisfaction

I rolled my eyes as I read Katya's messages.

Me: I am in a nice bubble bath right now, stop interrupting it

Katya: No better time to talk about sex then, huh? Don't you think so?

Me: If I answer your question, will you leave it alone?

Katya: If I don't like the answer then no, but maybe

I bit my lip and though about what to tell Katya. The truth was as good as anything I guess, so the truth it was.

Me: Well, I do what any woman does.

Katya: And that is?

Me: Need me to spell out for you

Katya: Oh could you be so kind to do that for me?

I groaned and wondered if it was best to just block Katya for the night. I smiled as I typed out a reply.

Me: Well, it is the same thing to do for your lady friends, just as a one woman show though

Katya: Oh it is a show? How much is the entry fee?

I choked on my whine as I read Katya's reply. I shook my head as I smiled.

Me: I am going to ignore your joke, your very untasteful joke

Katya: Who said it was a joke?

Me: I'm gonna say goodnight before anything else is said lol night Katya

Katya sent a goodnight with a kissy face. I set my phone down but picked it up again when it buzzed.

Katya: You can always hit me up for tips

Me: Tips on what

Katya: On whatever you need of course, goodnight Trixie

I sat staring at my phone, staring at Katya's message. I shook my head and put my phone down. I closed my eyes and sank down in the water as I relaxed. Katya was a little wildcard. Through the whole evening, I had no idea what she would say, even if we were having a clear conversion. Katya went off the rail for more than half the night when we talked about something but it made her interesting. I only could think about that last text though, whatever I need. Did she mean help with the restaurant? Or maybe help with my upcoming 'marriage'. Maybe she was talking about something else though. The sound of my ringtone brought me out of my thoughts. I looked at my phone and saw that Katya was calling me. "Hello?"

"Hey, I have a quick question."


"Is the restaurant going to be open tomorrow?"

"No, but I would like you and Ginger to come in so we can talk about a few things."

"Sounds like a lot of work but okay. I will text Ginger for you."

"You are the sweetest, thank you Katya."

"Oh, you have yet to find out just how sweet I am."

"Katya, what are you implying?"

"That I am just a really sweet person. What do you think I was trying to imply?" I cleared my throat and took a sip of my whine.

"Nothing, nothing at all." Katya chuckled and I could hear her smile through the phone. "But hey if that one woman show ever opens, I wanna be the first to know. Goodnight Ms. Mattel."

"G-goodnight." Katya chuckled one last time and ended the call. I set my phone down and sank back in the water. "What..the hell is happening?"

What We Got Cooking in The Kitchen(Trixya)Where stories live. Discover now