Chapter 2:Blondie is unsure

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Trixie's POV
"You what?" A blonde woman stood up and looked at my grandfather. "You can't Dan, this is your restaurant." She seemed so upset with the idea of me taking ownership of my grandfather's restaurant.

"Katya, calm down please. I trust Trixie with this," my grandfather pleaded. A red haired woman stood up and walked to the door.

"Well we don't. Sorry Dan." Behind her followed the the two younger girls, leaving the blonde looking at my grandfather then at me. She turned her back, walked out of the door, got in the car with the others, and left. I looked at my grandfather and smiled weakly.

"Well, that went well didn't it?" I walked to the bar and grabbed my things.

"Trixie, where are you going?"

"Grappy, I know you wanted to pass it on but the girls are clearly not happy with that idea." My grandfather walked to me and took my hands in his.

"Listen, you are fantastic. The girls may be a little upset and distant right now, but that doesn't mean they won't come around. You will do just fine." I sighed and hugged my grandfather.

"I will be back later. I want to go see Bob and Monet. But don't worry I will be okay." My grandfather gave my hands a squeeze and let go. I walked out of the restaurant, unlocked my car and got in. I screamed and leaned my head against the steering wheel. I started the car and connected my phone. I scrolled through my contacts and clicked on one of my friend's names.


"Shea, SOS."

"What is it babe?"

"I met the girls, well they saw me and left. Just straight up left, didn't even say anything to me."

"Oh babe, it is a big change for them. You just gotta give them time."

"I guess you are right. It is just hard, you know. Like I love my grandfather and all but I picked up my life to help him. It doesn't even seem like it's going to be worth it."

"You will be okay, it is hard but it will all work out. Speaking of picking working things out, how is Stevie handling the move?"

"Well, he was able to be transferred to the branch of the company down here, so he isn't as mad as he could be. But he is being Stevie, can't win or lose with him."

"You got that rock on your finger so you must have won."

"Oh please, we all know he was so full of himself that I was the only woman who could put up with his shit."

"Speaking of his shit, is he still pushing for a baby?"

"Don't get me started on that. I got the whole 'if you love me like you say you do, you will give me a son to love'. It was such a drag to listen to. It put me in a bad mood so early in the morning. I told him that I do love him but if loves me, he would understand that I just wasn't ready. I mean I am 23 and fresh out of beauty school. I don't have the time for a child, I barely have time for myself and my soon to be husband."

"I still think you made a mistake by saying yes. And from what I've heard from your grandfather, he does too."

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know. I have heard it from you, Monet, Bob, Kim, and Pearl. But at least he isn't needy like other guys can be. I have other stuff I need to focus on, rather than some two legged animal."

"The way you talk about him, makes it seem like you would be better single." I sighed and stopped at a red light.

"I think that too, but the drama and tears from break ups has never been my thing Shea. We both know this."

"I know Trixie. But hey, we are all here for you."

"Thank you Shea, are you guys still coming down next week?"

"Of course we are, we have to have that house warning party. And if Stevie doesn't like it, he can go cry somewhere."

"Why do you try to get on his bad side?"

"Because it seems like I'm gonna be there anyway, so I might as well give him a reason."

"You are the bane of his existence Shea, both you and Kim."

"We are just watching out for you babe. You are our baby and we don't want anything to happen."

"I know, I just want it all to work out."

"We all do, but it takes time. Remember that and please remember that we all love you." I wiped a tear from my cheek and smiled. Shea and I said our goodbyes and ended the call. Shea was right, this would all take time. I hated waiting but my grandfather needed me right now. He had always been there for me without any complaints, so I can do the same for him.

I got a call from my grandfather for me to come back to the restaurant. The girls had gotten back and he wanted to try again. I stopped by a bakery, bought $200 worth of treats, and went back to the restaurant. As I walked in, everyone turned to look at me. I smiled shyly and blushed as I walked to my grandfather's side. "Good, now that she is here. We can try this again. Ladies, Trixie is here to help me, but also here to help you. If I am too sick to run this place, it will close. Yes, most of you don't need it but it is your safe place. Something for you to fall back on. So please, give her a chance." The four women looked at me for a little before the red head spoke up.

"I would like to apologize and say sorry for rushing out." I smiled and grabbed on the bag in my arms a little tighter.

"Oh, it is okay. I understand."

"Hmm, as if you do." I turned to the blonde woman and saw that she was leaning against a table, playing with a salt shaker.

"Oh Katya hush it. This isn't her fault, she is just here to help out. Don't mind her, she is a bit testy. I am Ginger," the red head stood up and shook my hand. "The blond over there is Katya, the one with the green hair and bright eyes is Adore and the dark haired snake is Violet. If they give you any sort of problems, come find me."

"Thank you Ms. Ginger." My grandfather walked to me and put his hand on my shoulder, smiling.

"Trixie, dear come over here please." I followed my grandfather to the other side of the room. "I have to go take care of a few things. Sit here with the girls and talk. Once I get back, we can go a little deeper into what we were talking about before." My grandfather kissed my head and walked to leave through the back. I took a deep breathe and walked back to tell the four women.

"Um, my grandfather had to go take care of a few things."

"Is everything alright?" Adore looked up from her phone and stared in my eyes.

"Yes, everything is fine. He said he would be back later." Adore seemed okay with the answer and went back to her phone.

"Hey Blondie, what's in that bag?" The girl named Violet looked at me.

"Oh, I stopped by a bakery to get a few things."

"Ohhh yay, I love sweets. May I see the bag?" Adore put her phone down and looked at the bag in my hand. I put the bag on the table and stood back. Adore and Violet looked through the bag, sorting through everything.

"This is some fancy shit. Where did you get this stuff?"

"Oh, um that French bakery a few streets over."

"Holy shit, the stuff in there is worth an arm and a leg. How much did you spend?" Ginger cleared her throat and looked at the younger girls.

"Adore, that is rude to ask someone. Just say thanks and move on." Ginger invited me to sit at the table with them. I slowly sat down, tense and unsure. As I sat down, the blonde, Katya, got up. "Katya, where are you going?"

"Anywhere else but here." She looked at Ginger, then at me and walked out the door, just like before. This wasn't going to be easy.

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