Chapter 4

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Rosé's POV

It's been a month since our "coping" session with Lisa and Jennie started and within those months, these two keeps on fighting just like what is happening right now. We are here at the school's library to do our homework in Math but Lisa and Jennie are too busy having a hot debate that they cannot remember that we still have important things to do.

I wonder why Mr. Ji-yong wants us to help this two because they're so damn good. Most of the times they are the ones who teaches us and that results to non-stop fighting because these two have their own opinions. Honestly, we are slowly getting used to it. It seems like a day won't end without them bickering.

I don't get it why Jennie is so much irritated when it comes to Lisa. Jennie is clingy, caring, soft, in short, Jennie is like a baby. But when Lisa is with us, she turns into a furious kitten. I wish this two will get along, I don't think I can take this nonsense fights for long.

"When they will stop?" Jisoo whispered.

"I don't know." I whispered back.

Lisa and Jennie are currently fighting about LGBT rights. And us? Well, we're just watching them. This debating session makes me want to eat some popcorn.

It all started when we saw Irene and Seulgi at the cafeteria. The most famous lesbian couple here at the school. They were cute, I admit. I have no issues about gays, they're lovely but not Jennie.

Jennie said that she was disgusted by the thought of the same sex relationship which surprised us. We never thought that she is homophobic.

"Girls are for boys and boys are for girls. That's it." Jennie said.

"Love has no boundaries." Lisa replied.

"Same sex relationship is not written in the Bible!" Jennie declared.

"Oh don't you dare use that card. That means you're losing Kitten." Lisa said confidently.

"I am not. You just can't say anything. Gays are so disgusting." Jennie blurted.

Jisoo and I look at each other with worry on our faces. What if someone heard Jennie? She will be on a big trouble. And besides, we can sense that Lisa is somewhat gay. What if she will hurt her feelings? Oh no.

I took a look at Lisa, her eyes turned blank and her expression become unreadable.

Lisa's POV

"Gays are so disgusting."

As soon as Jennie blurted out those words, I felt something weird. I fell silent, trying to figure out this weird feeling building up inside me.

"What? Are you hurt? Because I said that you're disgusting?" Jennie said with a smirk.

Wait. Is she assuming that I am gay?

"What? I'm not gay!" I blurted.

"You can fool me monkey. You're whole aura screams gay."


"Yeah. You're a filthy gay monkey." Jennie said.

Now I am getting offended.

"You know what? You're not just homophobic, you're also a judgmental person. I can't believe I'm talking to a toxic person like you. Your beautiful face doesn't match your stinky attitude. I may be filthy but I'm not at least I'm not an arrogant bitch like you. And for the record, I'm not gay." I said.

I took all of my things and went out of the library leaving the three of them dumbfounded. This is the main reason why I wanted to be alone. No judgments. No toxic people.

I can hear chipmunk's voice calling my name but I'm too offended to look back. I need to get out of here. It's suffocating for me to be with the same room with Jennie as of today. I never thought that she's like that.

Jennie's POV

The audacity of the monkey to call me a bitch! I was not able to answer her back because she left quickly.

"What?" I asked as I saw Jisoo and Rosé sending deadly glares to me.

"You should go and apologize." Jisoo said with a serious voice. This is my first time to see her at this state. And I can tell right now that she's scary. But being me, with an ego that's high as the Eiffel Tower, didn't budge.

"Why would I? She should be the one who apologized! She called me bitch. You two heard that." I said.

"But you call her filthy. And you even accused her for being gay." Rosé said having the same tone as Jisoo.

"You can't blame me. She dress like a boy. Her moves are too manly for a girl. The whole Lisa is screaming gay." I replied.

The two didn't answer me and narrow their eyes instead. They we're like being my conscience today and I'm starting to be bothered by these two because they didn't stop giving me those stares. I let out a deep sigh.

"Okay. Fine. I admit my mistake." I said. The look on their faces suddenly became bright. Aish, these two are so adorable.

"Then go and apologize." Rosé said.

"What? As in right now?"


"Uh. The problem is I don't know how." I replied while fidgeting my fingers.

"You what?!" Jisoo hit the table hardly, that the sound echoes at the whole room. The librarian shush her and even sent her a glare which made her smile apologetically. I was about to laugh but I quickly held it when Jisoo squinted her eyes towards me.

"Calm down can you?" Rosé said.

"How can I? This girl right here has the guts to judge people but don't have the balls to apologize." Jisoo said while still staring at me.

"Well I really don't have balls because I'm not a boy, Chu." I replied.

"Oh cut with the sarcasm, Jendukie." She said with a serious voice. I lifted both of my arms as a sign that I surrendered.

"How come that you don't know how to apologize Jen?" Rosé asked.

"Just because, I haven't. I haven't apologized to anyone since the day that I was born." I replied confidently.

"Well, there is always a first time for everything." Jisoo replied while balancing her Sprite bottle on her shoulder. This girl is really weird. She has that habit of balancing things when she feel.

"Can I just not do it?" I said trying to make my voice pity as possible.

"No." They both said.

"Or you can just apologize for me. You guys are my friends right?" I replied while batting my eyelashes. I hope they would say yes because this thing is embarrassing.

"Stop that." Jisoo said while putting back the Sprite bottle to the table.

"And the answer is still no." Rosé replied.

I groaned in annoyance as I realize that there would be no point on arguing with these two because I know that I can't fucking win. I closed my eyes and massage the bridge of my nose, trying to relax my mind so that I can think properly.

But it's no use.

I know that these two won't stop bothering me if I don't do what they want.

"Fine. I'll apologize to that monkey. Just give me some time." I said.

Can someone please teach me how to fucking apologize?

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