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Chapter 15: Ours

Jellal softly kicked his lady Captain's boot-clad foot under the desk to gain her attention. He did it once more, then another, and then another until finally she slammed the piece paper she was reading on the table. Knightwalker looked at the blue haired man. "Yes?" She asked coolly. Knowing better not to loose her temper, Erza shut her eyes and breathed steadily.

He smiled. "Can I ask you a question…" Then, he held up his finger. "Wait, wait. That wasn't my question. I want to ask another question from the previous question I asked before." None of his words registered in her head.

"Goddess, help us. Jellal, just ask your query." He clicked his tongue thrice and sucked some air through his teeth. Nervousness was oozing out of his body language, making Erza a bit weary.

Suddenly, he straitened his back and his handsome smile returned. He laid his hand on hers.

"Can I ask a-" He felt a sharp kick on his shinbone. "Okay, okay! I wanted to ask if we could adopt a pet." She remained speechless for a moment. All that stalling just so he could her if he could get a pet. What was he? Five? She was deciding whether to answer him or kick him again but decided against the latter. She didn't want to accidentally cripple her adorable King. It could happen. So instead, she went for a more docile approach and answered with a, "Sure, Jellal. Sure. "

The room fell in absolute silence and only the clock's "tick tock" filled the void.

"So is that a yes?" Jellal whispered and chuckled when he noticed a twitch escaping on the corner of her mouth. He hasn't been seeing those from her in a while and he was confident he could bring it out of her. "Relax, love. I'm serious though." Excited eyes peered closely at her. "Why do you need my permission for a pet?"

Yet again, his anxiousness returned. "Because I need…" He waved his hand so that she could dismiss the beginning of his sentence. "I meant I want us to get a pet. Together." He added, or rather emphasized "together" at the end just in case she wasn't reading between the lines. "Okay." She uttered, using a similar tone that he formerly used.

"A small, cute, little puppy that we could take care…together." She nodded her head. "Very well. I know somebody who has animals up for adoption. Sure, I can get you a domesticated animal to have and to hold." Jellal continued to clutch her hand. "You mean, get US a pet to have and to hold. A baby dog…a puppy. A cute, innocent little…" However, his words drifted in one in and out the other. She released herself from his grasp.

"I will get you a dog, your Majesty."

He reached out with his hand, and shook his head. "Erza…" She was already at the door. "I'll have it by tomorrow."

She wasn't listening anymore. "Erza, maybe I should go with-"The door closed in behind her. "…you."

The next day…

A new day had arisen from its wake and there were still no signs of his Captain anywhere. She never brought up that pet issue again, not even when they had dinner together yesterday so he had assumed that a.) She had forgotten or b.) She had remembered it but wanted to pass it on as if she had forgotten it so she didn't bring it up. Both the former and the latter could be true now that he thought about it.

Even if she had remembered it, what kind of animal will she bring? A puppy was most likely out of the question. They were too cute and defenseless for her taste. He pondered upon it and imagined several fictitious scenarios that seemed to come alive bit by bit.

One out of many scenarios:

The door opens and in comes Erza, with a dog beside her. Its ominous fur was black, like a moonless night or an empty, dark, murderous alleyway. One of its piercing blue eyes locked on Jellal while the other was hidden behind an eye patch. "Greetings, my love. Meet Bradley. Cute, isn't he?" Bradley growled.

"Go on." She orders the dog. "Go and hug your new master." Before he can respond, she pinches the king's cheeks and smiled brightly at him, halting his tongue. "Don't thank me. You're welcome. Oh and sweetie, don't pet him. He will bite you."

The door closes, leaving him with the sinister hound. "So, Bradley…" Jellal merely strayed his eyes away from his newly acquired pet for a just second and the dog vanished. "Brad-" Something black appears at his left peripheral and he jumps from his seat. Bradley rests his paw on the monarch's lap and begins to howl incessantly. Suddenly, the string of the pup's eye patch snaps, revealing blood red eyes.

"There is no such thing as a true king." Bradley whispers.

Jellal forcefully banged his head on his table. He sighed. That couldn't happen, he rationalized. "Animals can't speak" Then, memories of the magical Exceeds momentarily flooded his mind. "But they're cats." He justified to himself. Fatigue crowded around him while a headache pounded at his head. This dread that she'll obtain some kind of wild beast for him drained his life slowly.

Then, the doorknob rattled, forcing Jellal out of his stupor. It turned slowly. The door creaked open in a slow motion like fashion, like it would when one sees their impending doom. He flinched when she came into view. Half expecting some feral animal to be beside her, he shut his eyes out of fear.

"Jellal, are you okay?" Knightwalker innocently asked. Confused about his strange behavior, she gradually approached him. "Jellal." She nudged his shoulders. He cracked one eye open and a hue of hazel eyes greeted him. Sitting on top of his desk was a little gray pooch. A speck of red adorned her forehead, acting like some kind of birthmark. On her right hind leg was another patch of red fur, incongruous to the rest of the pup's gunmetal fur." She whined and tilted her head. "A puppy?" Erza sat on the edge of his table. "Isn't that what you had requested?" His mouth opened to retort but fell silence. A measly, "yes" simply came out of him. Gazing at him with concern, she hurriedly reached for the young canine so that she could be returned. "Then, you don't like her." Her voice dropped to a hushed sound.

"No, that's not it." How can he explain some of the crazy outcomes that raged through his head earlier? "I feel guilty because I had presumed that you will be getting some kind of animal with sharp fangs and wears an eye patch." He confessed in one single breath. Erza blinked. His bizarre imagination almost teased a smile out of her.

"You're weird." She bluntly put forward. The puppy yelped a bark, most likely to agree with the Captain's statement.

He smirked. The mood of the room changed. "Weird, am I?" Taking her by surprise, he pulled her onto his lap. "Yes, you are." She closed the distance between their lips to initiate something she had been craving all morning but a loud bark from the pup interrupted them. "I have to go anyways." He moaned in protest.

"Take care of our puppy while I'm gone, weirdo."

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