Happy Birthday

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Chapter 6: Happy Birthday

She stood guard, making sure that no intruder interrupted the celebration the castle staff had worked hard to prepare for his Majesty's birthday. Isolated from the gathering, she found herself leaning against one of the marble pillar that circled around the dance hall. The high chandelier that hung above the center of the hall glimmered brightly as it illuminated the entire area. Everyone was dressed to impressed as each and every aristocrat greeted the King with smiles and salutations. She was one of the few who didn't dressed up for the event as she simply wore her usual light armor. The Captain didn't care for parties anyway. Chocolate eyes scoured the ballroom floor and it stopped immediately when it found the King's form. Donning an elegant long black tunic, and his customary friendly smile, he led a noblesse woman in their dance. They swayed timely to the beat of the orchestra's music and never once did they falter.

"Hmmm, longing eyes, Erza. Unusual for you." Her head swiveled to the blonde haired man that went undetected by her until he made his presence known. "Tch, what I long for is to rid myself from this place, Sugar Boy. A congregation of aristocrats makes my stomach turn." Sugar Boy chuckled and served her a wine glass, half filled with the best wine the Kingdom can offer. She happily took it and chugged it down in one gulp. "It is his Majesty's day, Erza. I do wonder if you have greeted him yet." She stood up straight and turned her heel, blatantly ignoring her fellow Captain's comment. "Excuse me, Sugar Boy. Certainly the party will continue without my being here for a few minutes." Sugar Boy took her place as he watched her lithe form turn to the direction of the balcony. "Charming, as always."

"What is wrong milord? You're attention seems elsewhere." Jellal looked down at his dancing partner and flashed her a brilliant smile. "Ah, all is well. However, I am quite parched." Their dancing ceased. He bowed his head and kissed her hand. "If you will excuse me." The noblewoman did a small curtsy before changing her attention to another man willing to dance with her.

Stepping out of the dance floor, the King walked to the last place he saw Captain Knightwalker. Tragically, it was Sugar Boy that he stumbled upon instead. Before he can open his mouth, the armor-wearing Captain pointed towards the opposite direction from the party. "Erza excused herself and sauntered out the balcony for some fresh air." Was my intended question that obvious? "Thank you Sugar Boy." He moseyed his way to where Sugar Boy had pointed out and lo and behold, Knightwalker was indeed here.

The Captain leaned her upper body against the stone railing of the balcony, watching the starless sky of the city. He crept wordlessly behind her, hoping he would startle the imperturbable Captain Knightwalker and to his surprise, he managed an incredible feat. She growled. "Your Majesty…" Her frightening tone had no effect on him. "What are you doing here all alone, milady?" She remained silent and he expected that. He grinned playfully. "Would you like to dance?" He was expecting one of her predictable cold shoulders, but it was her turn to catch him off guard. "There's no music." She faced him. It took him a second before he could compose himself once again and come up with anything to say. "I'll hum us a song, Captain." He extended his hands to her. She placed her hands on his. He securely wrapped his other hand around her waist, bringing her closer to his chest.

They danced, but clumsily due to Knightwalker's inept footwork. The King laughed mirthfully. "Does milady not know how to dance?" He teased and earned a glare from her.

"Follow me."

"I am following you!" Frustration was piling up in her glass bauble and it amused him to no end. He kept witnessing new sides from this woman. "Captain, I mean look at me and not our feet. I will lead you." She jerked her head up. Her tensed body made it impossible for him to take the lead but soon she relaxed more and more with him.

"Captain, it's my birthday." He suddenly started.

"Yes, I am well aware." He tilted his head and began to slowly reduce the distance between them. She froze. "Then, may I ask a favor from you?" He cupped her cheek and brushed her lower lip with his thumb. Her heart stopped and instinctively, she spun her head away. "No." She shoved his chest and maneuvered herself out of his arms. "I can't." His hurt expression didn't escape her. "I'm sorry, King." He couldn't watch her leave.

Her timing now seemed so off but she should at least greet him.

"Happy birthday, Jellal."

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