Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I pushed the blankets away from my body, groaning at the sound of rain. I hate rain. Sighing loudly, I threw my legs over the edge of the bed, looking up at the door when there was a knock.

"Come in."

The door opened, revealing Peter dressed for the day. I smiled up at him, "Hey."

"Hey. Nice hair."

My hands went to my hair before I shrugged, "I don't even care. Where are you going?"

"Christmas shopping."

"There's still like, three more months until Christmas." I stated, crossing my legs, "Why are you shopping so early?"

"Why not?" he chuckled, coming over to sit beside me, "It's good to get an early start."

"I'll go in Novermber." I shrugged, "What do you want me to get you?"


"What do you want me to get you?" I repeated, looking over at him.

"Nothing." he laughed, pushing my shoulder, "Being with you is plenty enough."

"Okay, but what do you want me to buy you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He groaned playfully and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me towards him, "I don't want anything. I already know what I'm getting you."

"And that would be nothing." I nodded, standing up, "Good. Want me to go with you?"

He narrowed his eyes at me, "I am getting you something, but yes. I would like your company."

I nodded, "Alright, I'll be ready in about twenty minutes."

"What can I get aunt May?" I asked, swinging our interwined hands slightly.

He looked around, "I have no idea. She likes cooking. Get her a new cook book."

"That's so boring." I frowned, looking up at him.

He stuck his tongue out, "You have plenty of time to figure it out. I already know what I'm getting everyone."

"I don't know what to get you." I sighed loudly, laying my head on his shoulder gently.

He kissed the top of my head, "Nothing."

"Shush." I mumbled, "I'm getting you something. Do you like watches?"

"I like my watch." he stated, showing me his watch.

I sighed, "What about shoes? Want a new pair of shoes?"


"Um.. a hoodie?"


I looked up at him once again, "You're not at all helpful."

"Sorry." he laughed, pulling me closer to him, "Just get me anything. I'll like whatever."

I nodded and kissed his cheek, "Good."

He smiled and looked down at me. I smiled back at him, pecking his lips slightly, only to pull away when police sirens flew past the store entrance. Peter sighed and handed me the bags with some things he bought, "I'll be home soon."

"Okay. Stay safe." 

"I'm always safe." he smiled, kissing me softly before running out of the store.

I sighed quietly before looking down at the bags in hand. One day, he may not be safe. One day, I may lose Peter because of some idiot criminal and if that ever happens.. I don't know what I would do..

Foreshadowing is lovely :o hehe

I got a new idea for this story and then I'll probably end it when the idea is over!

What other fanfiction besides Spiderman would you guys like to read? Give me some suggestions in the comments :)


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