Chapter 11 - How do we got here?

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I wake up early, been unable to go back to sleep without Peeta by my side. He didn't came back to sleep last night, I guess he took what he said really seriously. I look at the hour in the nightstand 4:09; 3 hours before training. I suddenly feel the urge to throw up, so I run to the bathroom and lean in the toilet. After I'm done, I undress and take a shower; meanwhile I start thinking about what Peeta said

Am I really been selfish? Should I do what he told me and join allies to protect my baby? Is he seriously gonna leave me behind?

I want Peeta with me now with me but he's really pissed off at me. But is his baby also and he's not gonna leave us alone after all.

I change into my training clothes, braid  my hair and lay back in the bed. Tomorrow is gonna be the day we show the game makers our abilities so they can evaluate us. I asked Peeta what he was planning to do, then we started talking about the baby and then Rue and that she is the reason I'm scared of having this baby.  Death. To die in the games. To get reaped and dying.

What would I do if my baby dies?

I already love it so much imagine when we get to hold it in our arms. We. Peeta and I. Peeta, I love him so much I don't know what I'll do with myself if he dies in the arena. Much more worse if he dies saving us. I wouldn't forgive myself; but I wouldn't kill myself also, I will have to stay strong for our kid. I guess I would just live without my other half for the rest of my life. I just wanna spend every minute we got with him. I don't know how long we'll be together. I'll just talk with him in breakfast.

-"Ms. Everdeen, they are waiting for you to start breakfast", a peacekeeper wakes me up. I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep.

-"Thanks, I'll be there in a minute", I say and the peacekeeper walks away. I stand up and walk to the breakfast area. Haymitch and Effie are sitting on the table, but Peeta is no where to be seen.

-"Good morning", I say and sit in one of the empty seats. They both greet me and we start eating.

-"Where's Peeta?", I ask. They both look at each other, they know something happened between us because if not I would know

-"He isn't feeling so good, he's gonna skip training today", Haymitch tells me.

Is he seriously sick?

He was more than fine yesterday

Is he avoiding me?


-"Can you skip training?", I ask

-"You can if you are sick or something but you have to attend the day of the evaluation. It doesn't matter if you are dying , they have to evaluate you", Effie says

What in the world could probably be going on with him?

I went to training and spend as much as I could practicing. Luckly I don't have a belly yet, it would be a disadvantage for when I run.

The elevator door opens and I go straight to my room. I lay down in bed, too tired to even shower.

Two more days.

In two more days I'll be in the arena. And I still have no idea what I'm gonna do. Maybe I shouldn't join with anyone yet and when I'm there I'll see


I open my eyes. Again I'm alone in the bed. I get up and walk  to the living room of our floor. I sit on the couch and turn the TV on. I start zapping on the channels. There are some really weird fashion Capitol channels. I really don't get it like

Seriously? What is it with their clothes?

I stop at one channel with Caesar and Claudius talking about Peeta, me and our romance

Oh God! Can't these people get a life!

I turn the TV off just as the avoxes start setting the table.

-"Hey, I wanna help you set the table", I say to one of the avoxes. They look at me and grab the things from their hands.

-"You handle me the things and I set them on okay?", I say. They nod and walk away. In less than 2 minutes the table is ready. I sit on the table and eat quickly. I don't wanna see anyone, it will just get me more nervous. And if I hear Effie's non-stop talking about what we have to do, worse. I see a peacekeeper in the hallway

-"Excuse me, if you see Haymitch and Effie could you please tell them I already ate and I'm getting ready?", I tell the peacekeeper

-"Sure, Ms. Everdeen", he tells me. I walk back to my room and lay in bed. I still have no idea of what I'm gonna do in the evaluation. I guess whatever gets on my mind first.

-"What are we gonna do baby? What are we doing here? What should I do with your Daddy?, I say as I stroke my flat stomach."How do we got here?"

Heyy guys
I hope y'all like this chapter. Sorry it took me a while to update but I had stuff xD
Thnks a lot for 2.1k+ reads on this story!! I love you all guys so much
Anyways don't forget to check my other stories.

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