Chapter 3 - The Reaping

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I wake up early in the morning, been unable to go back to sleep knowing what is going to happen.

I walk toward Haymitch's house. I open the door and I see Haymitch and Peeta fighting. (book reference below⇩)

-"He, hey what is wrong with you guys?,I say as they stop and look at me.

-"He poured all the liquor down the drain", Haymitch says.

-"You what?", I ask now looking at Peeta.

-"I tossed the lot", Peeta says.

-"He'll just buy more", I say

-"No, he wont", Peeta says," I tracked down Ripper these morning and told her I'd turn on her the second she sold to either of you. I paid her off, too, just for good measure but I dont think she is eager to be back in the Peacekeeper's custody".

-"What is your bussiness what he does?", I ask mad at Peeta.

-"It's completely my bussiness. However it falld out, two of us are going to be in the arena again with the other as mentor. We cant afford any drunkards on this team. Especially not you Katniss", Peeta says, resalting the last part.

What does he mean?

But I dont dare to ask. I dont wanna be mad at him. Not now.


We walk toward the Justice Building; Peeta, Haymitch and me surrounded by Peacekeepers. My mom, Prim and Gale are standing in the first row. I look around for Peeta's family, but I only see his brothers and his father.

I look at Peeta as we walk up to the stage. He sends me a sweet caring look that makes me shiver, knowing what might happen now.

-"Welcome, Welcome to the 75th Hunger Games. As usual ladies first", Effie says. She looks at me sadly, almost crying as she takes the only paper in the urne.

-"Katniss Everdeen", she says sadly. I stand in front. I look at Peeta and I know how bad he is wishing they will call Haymitch's name.

-"And now for the boys",Effie walks to the boy's urne and takes one of the two papers out. She opens it and reads it for herself. Then she reads it out loud.

-"Haymitch Abernathy"

-"I volunteer as tribute", Peeta says as he stand up in front. Haymitch tries to stop him but he ignores him. I let a tear fall. And so does Effie. Peeta stands by my side. I know how sad he is on the inside, but he wont show it.

-"May I present you the tributes foe District 12, Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen", Effie says. Two Peacekeepers  come and grab us both from our arms. They put us both on the train, before we get to say goodbye.


Prim. My mother.Gale.I never got to say goodbye. Probably the last time Ill see them.

Effie spends the rest of the day talking about sketdules and how bas she wants to show the Capitol that we are a team.

I ignore all off Effie's talk because I really dont feel like listening to her annoying capitol accent. We spend the rest of the afternoon talking about stuff and then, when everyone starts to stand up, I turn to Peeta.

-"Are you going to sleep?", I ask him.

-"Im gonna stay up and watch the videos of the other tributes to learn their tecniques. But you go to sleep, Ill tell you later", he says. I walk toward him and peck his lips. He smiles at me, a little startled of what just happened.

I go to sleep. I wish Peeta was here next to me. I never felt these need before. I need Peeta with me, but before I realize, Im asleep.


Heyy guyss!!

Hope you like these chapter. I dont feel like anyone reads these fanfic because no one votes or comments so I dont know. Plzz vote if you liked these. Ilyguys



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