Chapter 15 - Peeta...

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The plate goes up until I'm outside. I take a quick look around the arena. In front of me is the cornucopia, surrounded by water and around a jungle. I look at everyone, who are probably 50 feet from everybody, but I cant see Peeta anywhere. On top of the cornucopia, the time is counting down. 5. I need to swim toward the rocks and then run to the cornucopia, grab some stuff and meet Peeta. 3... 2... 1... The time goes off and I jump to the water and swim as fast as I can to the rocks, then run toward the weapons. I quickly grab a bow and arrows and take a quick breath. Peeta is still no where to be found. I look around and I suddenly see him in the water, fighting with a guy. Then both of them go underwater. I turn around, ready to run, when somebody grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer. I try to grab a hold of something to point to the one who's holding me,when I see a golden bracelet I quickly recognize. Haymitch's, the one Effie gave him. I turn my head and see who's holding me. Finnick Odair.

-"I'm not gonna hurt you, come with me. And quickly, unless you wanna get yourself killed here", I realize that, because we didn't choose any allies, Haymitch did it for us.

-"B..But Peeta", I say and point to where I saw them earlier. But instead of them, I see a floating body. I gasp and keep pointing, trying to speak, but no words come out.

-"I know, but we need to hurry out of here, we will meet him in the shore with Mags", Finnick says and for some odd reason I trust him. Sort of. Is not that easy for me to trust people, especially here, where the one you are trying to save, might be your own killer...

We hurry back to the shore and while Finnick hugs Mags, I look for Peeta... And then I see him swimming toward us. I let a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I run toward him and hug him.

-"Are you okay?", I ask as I rest my head on his shoulder.

-"Yeah, well I just drowned an innocent guy but besides that I'm fine", he says. He had never killed anybody before. Not in the first Games and I'm pretty sure he wasn't planning on killing anybody here either and that sudden scene took him by surprise. I kiss him briefly, before Finnick interrupts us.

-"I don't wanna ruin your presious moment, but I don't think we are very safe here in the shore", he says. Peeta is about to say something when he notices Haymitch's bracelet on Finnick's wrist.

-"Haymitch. He gave that to you, didn't he?", Peeta asks.

-"What can I say my friends? If you guys don't decide quickly, somebody might do it for you", he says and I roll my eyes. Then we start walking inside the jungle. Peeta goes in front, cutting down anything in our path. We walk in silence for a few minutes. I stop as I sense something weird in front of us but I don't have time to warn Peeta before he hits a force field. He flies backwards and falls to the ground. Finnick and I run to him and Finnick opens Peeta' s jumpsuit and tries to reasure him. He leans in and puts his head on Peeta's chest to fell his heartbeat.

-"He's not responding", Finnick says and I feel like my world is torn in half.

No! He can't die! What about us? What about the baby?
He can't just leave me here alone

Hey guys
Sorry for the late update AND shortt update but I'm just having a writers block in this story and I really don't know how to continue it bc I have some ideas but I don't feel they are good and they will probably be bored. I have like the whole plot already settled but im missing stuff . So if any of you have any ideas, feel free to put them in the comments
Love you all,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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