Chapter 1- The Quell

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-"On the Third Quarter Quell, as a reminder that even the strongest cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, the male and female tributes will be reaped from their existing pool of victors", Snow says through the tv as Prim, my mother and I watch silently, sitting on the couch.

The Victors from 12; Haymitch, Peeta and Me.

I hear my mother scream and my inocent Prim ask what's going on.

Im going back to the arena.

I stand from the couch and run toward the woods, closing the door behind me, leaving my little sister and mother questioning everything that will happen from now on. I run and dont stop until Im far away from everyone. Then I loose it.

I cant go back to the arena. They said that if I win I get to live the rest of my life in peace, probably spending the rest of my life with Peeta but now, I got no choice.


If Haymitch gets picked he will volunteer, to protect me. In that case one of us will die.

Either Peeta or me

I cannot live without Peeta. Maybe I can get Haymitch to do something for us. Help us. He helped me the last time.

I stand up and start to slowly walk toward Haymitch's house. I open the door, as always it was unlocked. He is sitting  at the kitchen table, surrounded by broken glass and a smell of alcohol I cant stand any longer.

-"There she is. Finally did the math, did you sweetheart? And you're here to ask me to die?", he says. I cannot let Haymitch die either. He's like family now.

-"I came to drink", I say as I grab one of his bottles and open it up.

-"Finally something I can help you with", he says. I drink half of the bottle in the first sip. This is a new feeling coming down my throat. Im definetely not used to these but I like it. At least keeps my mind busy from thinking what is happening now.

-"Peeta's argument is that since I choose you, now I owe him. Anything he wants. And what he wants is a chance  to go in again to protect you", he says and I sip more liquor.

I knew it.

It was obvious. Peeta will protect me, even if it means taking his own life in the process.

-" And you just came here to drink, while the boy was here 45 minutes ago begging me to save your life. You know you could live a hundred lifetimes and never deserve that boy", Haymitch says.

I sigh. He is right. I dont and I could never deserve him.

-"So what are you going to do?", I ask, trying to forget his last words.

-"I dont know", he sighs "If they call him, Ill take his place, but if they called my name and Peeta volunteers, there is nothing I can do"

-"Thank you", I have 50 percent of possibilities that Peeta will come with me and another 50 that Haymitch will but I know Haymitch will do something.

-"But we need to agree in something. If we both go back, we try to keep him alive. He lives, not me". I see in his expression that he is thinking about it.

-"Please, help me keep him alive",I say and he frowns

-"All right, all right", he finally says.

-"Thanks", I say. Im kinda dizzy. Im not used to drink, even if it is one bottle. I need to see Peeta now.

I walk out to his house. I feel like Im gonna faint in any minute. I knock and Peeta answers. He's crystal-beautiful blue eyes are all buffed, probably from crying. He is wearing a navy robe and he has not shoes on.

I run toward him and he embraces me in a hug. I dont wanna leave him. His arms. Finally, since they announced the Quell, I feel safe


Heyy guyss!!

So this is the first chapter of my fanfiction. I know is really alike to the movie and the books but these is kind of a plt twist so I thought I could include some scenes to make it feel more real.

Please guys tell me what you think and dont forget to vote.



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