Chapter 2 - Do I love him?

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He is the first one to let go. He closes the door and walks toward the living room. I follow him and we sit on the couch.

-"Peeta, please, don't volunteer for Haymitch", I say. He pulls me in a hug again and I rest my head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat as he plays with my hair.

-"I cant let you die", he says after a long pause. I look at him and I lean in, our foreheads touching, until his lips touch mine. Electricity is spread all over my body. I dont wanna stop. Our lips move in sync like they were meant to be with each other.

Suddenly I push him and run toward the bathroom to throw up. He follows me and pulls my hair back, while I puke in the toilet. Then I rinse my mouth and he waits for me, leaning in the doorframe.

-"You were drinking with Haymitch, weren't you?", he asks me and I walk to the couch again. I dont wan't him to know. He will probably be mad and me. He follows me as we sit. I rest my head once again in his chest.

I start to think who different everything will be if Peeta didnt tossed me the bread that day. He saved my life. I probably would be dead if he didnt. But I never got to thank him.

-"Peeta, thanks for tossing me that bread when we were younger. Im sorry I didnt thanked you later"

-"Its okay", he answers.

-"It was not okay. Your mom hit you", I say as I remember the horrible bruise he had the next day.

-"It was worth it", he says and I smile. Then we remain in silence for a while until I speak.

-"Does your mom still beats you?", I ask as I look at him.

-"When my dad is not around, most of the time. But I dont want you to feel bad for me", he chuckles.

-"Has she beat you lately?", I ask and I hear how his heart starts beating ten times faster. But he doesnt answer.

-"Peeta, has she beat you lately?", I ask in a demanding tone. He sighs as he stands up. He takes off his robe, showing his hard muscles with bruises in them. I stand up too and cautiously stroke the bruises in his chest.

-"Yesterday, in the bakery. Is not a big of a deal. Its stupid actu...", I cut him off with a kiss, he pulls me closer to him and I surround my arms around his neck. He kisses me all the way from my lips to my neck. I dont stop him. I dont want him to. I dont know who is gonna be reaped but I have to enjoy every minute that we are together. I jump and lock my legs around his waist and his carries me to his room.

He lays me in his bed and I pull him closer to me and he falls in top of me. I stroke his golden locks of hair. Our lips never disconnect. Then the kiss starts getting rough. He grabs my shirt and looks at me. I nod. He pulls my shirt off and then the rest of the night is a blur. ;)


-"Why don't you stop her?", I ask as I lay my hand on his bare chest. We both breath heavy.

-"I cant, she's my mom. Dad knows about it but he cant control her. But Im most of the time here alone. My parents decided to stay in our house, but they need my help in the bakery"

I peck his lips and he smiles. All the pain he is going through.

-"It doesnt matter what happens in the reaping, I will always love you, remember that", he says as he pecks my lips. Does he seriously has to bring his love toward me now? Do I love him?

I certanly do. I do love him.

-"Peeta. . .", I say.

-"Dont worry. You dont have to answer now", he smiles as he strokes my cheek.

-"But I do. I do love you", I say and his eyes grow ten times bigger. I lean in and kiss him softly, with a short, caring kiss, " I love you"

-"I love you too", he replies as he kisses me back. We stay there, laying next to each other, with a comforting silence surrounding us.

-"Peeta, what do you think will happen with our wedding", I ask as I pull myself closer to him.

-"I dont know", he replies," I wasnt completely happy with it. I want you to marry me because you want to, not because they make you to". I really dont know how to reply to that so I lean in a peck his lips.

-"Its getting dark, I should go talk with Prim and my mom", I say as I stand up. We get dressed and I cant help but stare at his perfect body. Then he turns around and notices me staring and I blush. Then he walks toward me and kisses pasionately. We walk downstairs and he grabs his robe and locks it around his body, covering once again his scars.

-"Ill see you later", I say as I peck his lips.He waves at me and I leave his house and walk toward mine.

When I enter my house, Prim and my mom walk toward me and hug me. I explain them everything and try to calm them. Then we eat and go to sleep, were my demons hide.


Tommorrow is the reaping. I wake up early in the morning. Neither Prim nor my mom were awake yet so I decide to go to the woods. Gale is probably gonna be there sooner or later, because today is Sunday and is the only day he has free.

I spend probably half an hour hunting until Gale arrived.

-"Hey", he says with his bow in his hands

-"Hey", I reply.He knows what will happen tommorrow. He doesnt wanna talk about it now. Neither do I.

We spend the day hunting. When the sun was setting, we start to walk back home.

-"Nervous for tommorrow?", he asks. I sigh.

-"I dont know what Im gonna do. This time will be different.", I say. He pulls me into a hug, which I accept. I really need a hug from my best friend.

-"Promise me you'll take care of them",he nods.

-"Thank you Gale.", I tell him.

-"I know you will get out of these, you are stronger than they are, just remember that", he says as he pulls me closer to him and kisses me, but he pulls back before I can react.

-"Just in case I cant say goodbye tommorrow", he says and then he leaves and I stay there, thinking about what happened.


Heyy guyss!!

Thanks for reading and I hope you like this chapter. Dont forget to vote and comment.



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