Chapter 6

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(sorry it's not edited)

Last but not least there is Alex; he is awesome! I learnt that he could hot wire a car, knows all the languages I know with the exception of one or two and he can fight! So Alex is like Charlie, Jordan and I he is in line as agent to become head of the teen's department. He is only 16 so he will not have as big as roll as us if we become Superior but will have a big job. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. Just like the sea.

All these boys have muscle and all the girls have skill, working together on this mission will be a lot easier with back-up. I have a feeling we're going to need all the help we can get.


[Chapter 6]

"Arianna, Maddison and I will go round the back and look; Charlie, Adrian and Lucy search the sides and Jordan, Alex and Dylan check out the front. Don't forget to keep your ear pieces on at all times, also report in if you see anything important or suspicious. Got it?" The team nods in agreement after I explain. I make sure I have all my weapons before heading off to the back of the warehouse.

It turns out they weren't loading the C4 into the van they were taking it out. Whoever these people are, are in some dangerous stuff. "Maddison once we're round the back I need you to sneak in and find their computer database. Take this," I hold out a special memory stick and hand it to her, "And collect the information and return to my car. If we're not there just stay and collect picture of any unusual things. Okay?" Maddison nods her head in conformation then heads of inside. She has weapons so is able to defend her-self.

Arianna and I need to find out more about the underground where they are really hiding and what they're planning to do with this C4. "Right we're going in. Remember stay hidden if anyone tries to shoot kill them." I sternly say. I'm a spy and my job is to kill the people who are a complete threat to the USA. If I have to shoot them then I will.

We both sneak into the back. There are about 3 men wearing all black guarding the huge door way. I motion for Arianna to move in using hand signals. I move around the guard slyly so he doesn't see me then knock him out from behind. The other two guards see and I quickly knock them both out to with the back of my gun.

Arianna and I move in again and see the big plastic wall I saw earlier on. It's like strips handing from the ceiling. There are about another 5 guards, if we want to get through we need to shoot. But first we need to rule out the innocent ones.


Afterwards we had verified which of the men were the ones in our way, we moved in. Arianna took the left side and I took the right side of the building. I found out earlier that Charlie and Jordan have finished looking around and searching the perimeter so they are coming to help us out. Estimating there are about 20 bad guys in total we need to take out not including the 15 we already did.

I hear a gun shot and instantly take in my surroundings. Finding out that Arianna just shot one of the guys I get started. I run towards the blocked of area and fly kick a man in the face knocking him out straight away. I don't want to kill everyone, we need them for questioning.

Someone grabs me from behind so I lift my lower body up and swing my leg over my head to kick the douche in the face. His hold immediately releases and I swiftly turn around punching him in the temple, yup he's knocked out.

"You son of a bitch!" Another dude says pointing his gun at me. I take my throwing knife and hit him in his tendons making his arm go paralyzed and the gun drop out of his hand. 3 down 17 to go. Well looking around I see everyone taking on a guy. By everyone I mean all 6 new agents along with my team.

Looking to my right I see Charlie struggling with a guy. I don't blame him. This guy is 5 times the size of Charlie and has him in a head lock. I run over and shoot him in the shoulder. The force of the bullet pushes him back and he tumbles to the floor clutching his bleeding shoulder. "You okay?" I run up questioning Charlie. He nods quickly trying to gain his breath. Once I know he's fine I see that all the men are either knocked out or dead.

"Jordan, call Carter and tell him to get someone down here to clean up the dead ones. The others can be taken down for questioning whilst we are going out back to see what's down stairs. Be careful guys they're armed with explosives."  As soon as I instruct Jordan he pulls out his phone and calls Carter. Once he's done we all continue down the warehouse and through the plastic drapes.

"We need to stay quiet. It's most likely they heard the shots and will be prepared for our arrival." Charlie whispers so lowly we could barely hear him. Once we all knew what we were doing we head off. I am first to enter and as soon as I see 3 well build men standing at a descending stair well I instantly pull out my gun.

They snap their eyes up to me and get into a defensive position also pull out their guns. I have my AK-47 whereas they have a 9mm.

"Put the weapons down on the ground and put your hands in the air!" I command strictly still keeping my aim on them. From the corner of my eye I see one of them about to pull the trigger. It's a shame I beat him to it. 2 left. I'm going to need one of these and the other can go along with him to jail.

"Now unless you want to end up like you're buddy there I suggest you put your weapons down and hands up!" They instantly oblige, whilst I grab their weapons throwing them far away then cuffing them. I don't use hand cuffs as I don't have enough I use the plastic handcuffs. They may be cheap and just a thin bit of plastic but hell are they good! Nobody has been able to escape them.

Now that I have them tied up my team and I can do a quick questioning. The enter through the doors and the boys drag the two men onto a chair.

"Where is Marcus Rodriquez?" Is my first question. They keep their mouth shut and I nod as a motion for the boys to do what they want.

Charlie kicks one of them and Adrian punches one. That will do. "Now I'll ask you again. Where is Marcus Rodriguez?" They still don't answer. I pull my guns out and point it at both their heads. They flinch at the contact then stutter out the answer I need. "Down the stairwell. The code is 1596." Pulling the gun away I leave and head back to the stairs.

"Hey wait up!" I turn around at Charlie's voice. He jogs towards me and I raise an eyebrow. "What?"

"Jordan and I are coming with you. We need back up in case so we'll also take Adrian and Lucy." Good thinking. I grin then walk again. I hear Jordan tell the others to wait for the Agency to clean this up then head back to the Agent house and gather information. Until it's our turn to get back, we're gonna kick some ass!


A:N// Yaaaay I updated, twice in one day !!!!!!!

Okay so I know I havent talked a lot about the characters but I'm going to introduce them more in upcoming Chapters.

But who do you ship?? Suggestions....

Charlie and Olivia? Comment bellow your ships and ship names and I will take it into consideration. 

Also I love you guys so if you have any ideas you want in the story let me know and I can add them in for you, dont worry I wont take the credit I will mention your names!


Love you lots xx


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