Chapter 5

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Please read the Authors note at the end xxx Thank you !

Enjoy xx

{Not edited, sorry for grammar and spelling}



Suddenly an idea pops into my head. I grab some duck-tape from the stationary draw. Then I walk over to them and sit comfortably on the floor. Yes they fell asleep on the floor. Because they both sleep really heavily I decide to wrap the tape around their feet joining both their ankles to each other knowing they won't wakeup. Next I do their knees; then the wrists; then the waist, Dayum have they got some good abs; oops lastly I tape their shoulders. Voila! Standing up I snap another picture then put the tape away. They are still in the spooning position, still sleeping and are tied together. Amazing!

I set a super loud alarm and set it by Charlie's ear. I then take my camera out and place it on the office desk insuring that it's hidden. After setting everything up I start the timer and run out the office locking the door.

"Carter! Come here quick!" I whisper hushed. He drops his peanut butter sandwich down on his plate and jogs to the office door where I stand. The doors are see through so I can still perfectly see both Jordan and Charlie. As soon as Carter sees them he bends of laughing and clutching his stomach. "Olivia they are gonna freak!" He lets out between breaths.







That's the alarm! Charlie's eyes shoot open as does Jordan's not even seconds later they realise their positions. All they do is...

[Chapter 5]

Laugh! They roll around on the floor laughing their arses off. Guess what happens next? Carter and I couldn't contain our laughter either and both burst out uncontrollably. I open the office door and stumble in falling to floor and landing right next to my two best friends.

It's funny how many years ago how I was just a vulnerable little girl who was afraid to laugh. I was scared to smile or ever be happy. I used to think, Why should I be happy if they can't? But now I realise that being happy is an involuntary act that we all do. Laughing, smiling even smirking. It's a part of our life that human beings need to do, to actually be alive. It's almost like a necessity. Without laughing, giggling, chuckling or even smiling the human body would automatically shut down. The life is sucked out of you and all the energy you have is locked away inside you. That's how I felt after the incident. I still feel like the energy is locked away, laughing is the only thing that keeps me sane. I just need to find a key to the cage that is containing the energy, and when I find it I can finally accept that being happy is what they would have wanted for me...


"We're only checking this place out today, so nobody shoot or come out of hiding unless absolutely needed." I inform my team mates. A.K.A, Charlie and Jordan.

We had just finished another day of school and once we were all home it was suggested by Jordan that we check out the warehouse. However we are not moving in, just checking out the perimeter and looking around the building, without getting seen of course.

This was a normal thing we do as agents. We have to briefly inspect the building before coming back with the weapons we need to blow their cover.

Right now I am hiding around a wall whilst Jordan and Charlie are checking out the other side of the building. I am armed in case anybody sees me and shoots, but I plan on that not to happen.

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