Part 1. Chapter 5. The legend about Black Wind.

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(Play the soundtrack while reading the next episode)

It was already late in the evening, and the customers in Mr. Baines's store gradually left. Mikaela has just finished cleaning the car of one of the customers. It was a difficult day, but a lot of people visited her father's store today. The girl folded a hoe and detergents for cleaning cars, after which she washed upand went down to her father.

 The girl folded a hoe and detergents for cleaning cars, after which she washed upand went down to her father

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"Done, dad."

"You're great," he smiled.

Then the girl's cell phone rang, on the screen appeared the inscription: 'Sam Witwicky '.

"Excuse me," Mikaela smiled, pointing to the phone, and added in a whisper: "This is Sam."

"I see," her father nodded with a slight grin. The girl went into the next room and, smiling, pressed the reception button.


"Mikaela! Where are you?!" the sound of Sam's voice rang out in the receiver. "Watching the news?"

"What?.." the girl didn't understand. "What happened?"

"You REALLY should see it! Turn on your TV quickly! I already informed our friends - the Autobots!"

"Now I'm turning it on..." With a sinking heart, Mikaela went to the TV and selected the channel named by Sam. Lord, what happened there again, she thought, is it really the next major campaign of the Decepticons? When will they ever learn...

On TV was the next issue of the evening news. The opening speech of the announcer has already passed, and now all turned to the action itself. Near the dwelling building there were many fire engines, as well as ambulances. The female reporter in the frame interviewed some man.

"It happened so suddenly," he said. "I went to the balcony to breath some fresh air, when noticed that something small, like a spider, was climbing on the wall. I was surprised, wanted to call my wife, but this thing was hidden from view. And then an explosion thundered from above!"

"What do you think it could be?" Asked the reporter.

"Hell knows," the man answered honestly. "Perhaps another trick of the Decepticons agaiin... I won't think of any other terrorists. Damn these walking iron pieces!"

The reporter thanked him for the interview and turned back to the camera:

"According to eyewitnesses, the cause of the explosion was a small mechanical device. There are no confirmations of this yet. Three people were killed, nine were injured. There could have been more victims, if not for the timely intervention of the Autobots, thanks to the actions of which the fire was eliminated quite quickly. Unfortunately, the hero of the evening didn't wait for our film crew and left the scene of the disaster. But here is what eyewitnesses tell us..."

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