Chapter 58: Grand Theft Rainmaker!

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Narrator POV

It was the next day for our heroes and what a fine day it was! Sun was shining in the center of the sky. Must be noon. Today is the day Marie and Leon would find there pilot... Agent 4 was outside the back of the Cuttlefish shack. Sporting a muscle shirt and sport shorts. He popped in his ear buds and cranked his little SquidPod (Ipod) Low rock music was playing in his ears. Looks like he was getting some lifting in before it was time to head out!

Leon POV

Leon: Iv'e got some time to kill! What should I start with...Hmm

He looked at his slim belly. No six pack was there but he could really get one to resist punches to the stomach. Its always a good idea.

Leon: Abs huh? Sit ups it is!

He layed down flat on a green mat he brought with him. He cranked the music up and smirked.

Leon: 5 sets of 35! Let's do this!

He put his hands on each side of his head and at a breathing and steady pace, he went up and down, counting in his head. First set was done...Then the next...Belly feeling tight...Third done...Now he was feeling warm...His breathing was a little heavy... Fourth set done...

Leon: *pant* Whew... Almost done...

As he went back down to start his fifth set, a pair of black tentacles drooped down on both sides of his face. It startled him as his eyes trailed up.

Callie: Hi~♡

Leon: Wha?! Oh hey 1!

Callie: Whatcha doing?

He paused his music and stood up.

Leon: Just getting some exercise in before me and Marie go to see this Ammo Knights guy

Callie: Oh! You mean Sheldon?

There was that name again...

Leon: Yeah...Sheldon...

Callie: Yep! He is super helpful to us! I think you two will connect well, hehe~

It felt strange that Leon hasn't met him if he's super helpful to the squidbeak...Well, thats what Callie says anyway.

Leon: What is he like?

Callie: Thats for you to find out Mr. Hero. She said with a smirk.

Leon: Well Im happy to meet anyone new! (Finally!! A guy friend!! Im around girls every single day!! You would not imagine what I see on a daily basis...) He shuddered a little.

He stood up and and flung his white rag over his shoulder. Callie watched him...In her eyes, everything he did was in slow motion... The green inkling was always a looker~ He always did this thing with his tentacles that made them look nice and shiny. Her eyes were stars upon watching him wipe sweat off of his forehead.

Leon: Warm today, isn't Callie?

Callie: Y-Yeah...Warm~ *Blush* (Get yourself together! You always get nervous around him!)

Her eyes shut and her mouth scrunched.

Leon: Hey...You Ok? Your very red

Callie: O_O Yeah! Im f-fine! She said waving her hands in a fast way.

Leon: Heh, good. Me and Marie were worried sick about you

Callie snapped and looked at him.

Splatoon: Love and War (Marie X Agent 4 [Male]) Book 1 *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now