Chapter 6: Squidbeak Tour

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Leon POV

It was 6am and Marie had told Leon to wake up early for the tour of the HQ. It was slightly dark out still with little sun light starting to rise. Soon, the suns rays lit up the window in Leons room and was shining on his face.

Leon: Mmmhhh... He groaned to feel warmth on his nose.

He then woke up slowly and opened his eyes to be blinded by the suns light.

Leon: Ahhh!! *Hiss!* Not again sun!!

He put his hands on his face then crawled to the windows and closed the curtains.

Leon: Much better...

He got up from bed and put some new clothes on his mother packed. Then he went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and combed his hair back. He started talking to himself.

Leon: Sure was nice of Marie to let me stay here

He left the bathroom and started to walk to the kitchen to make breakfast when he noticed Marie's door was wide open. He was hesitant to walk in and check on her but decided not to due to him not wanting to invade a girls room. So he continued his way into the kitchen.

As he made his way to the kitchen, he thought about what he should make.

Leon: Im kinda in the mood for something warm...PANCAKES! He said cheerfully.

He began his search for the ingredients. He opened the fridge and grabbed what he needed, turned the stove on and started away on the breakfast. He also made some sides like eggs and bacon.

Leon: Cuttlefish knows how to stock a kitchen. He smirked.

The stove was smoking from the bacon and was filling the whole house with the aroma of the food. The smoke travelled to Marie's room and tickled her cute little nose.

Marie POV

She was still asleep but easily woke up to Leons cooking. She wiggled her nose and started sniffing then opened her eyes wide.

Marie: Mmm! Whats gramps making!

She sat up and stretched her arms, legs, and back. She hopped out of bed, still in PJ's and went to go get Leon, hoping he was awake for the early morning tour. She entered his room and noticed the sheets were lumpy, thinking Leon was sleeping in.

Marie: Cmon Leon, you need to wak---

She threw the sheets only to see no Leon. She grew slightly worried to see him gone. She checked the closet. No Leon. She knocked on the bathroom door. No Leon.

Marie: Did he leave without me? She said aloud.

She continued her search for Leon until she made her way to the kitchen to see agent 4 in....a chefs outfit? She was shocked to see him cooking but no gramps. She thought.

Marie:(gramps and 3 must still be out...hope there ok)

Marie then got a whiff of the amazing breakfast Leon was making. She walked over and sat at the counter.
Leon heard a chair sqeak and looked over to see Marie with bed head.

Leon: Hey sleepy head

Marie: Hey, have you heard from the cap'n?

Leon: Cuttlefish? No I have not. They never came back last night, hope they aren't in danger.

Marie: Me too

Marie looked over at the 5 star breakfast Leon was making.

Marie: I didn't know you could least this well.

Splatoon: Love and War (Marie X Agent 4 [Male]) Book 1 *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now