12.Crap....I really hate my life.

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Yeah! Finally done with this chapter! Took a while, got eight more chapter until it is done! I can't for the ending, that is the only bit I am looking forward to!

Dont forget to VOTE AND COMENT seeing as it is in the Wattys! VOTE VOTE! Comment! 

-Not edited!-

Chapter Twelve

Oh hell NO, was I seeing this! You are joking me right? My eyes are deceiving me right? Please tell me I am not seeing one of my two best friends making out? Please tell me I am dreaming. My mouth was just wide open.

This was one of the moments when people said “didn’t see that happening.”

Their heads whipped when they heard my voice and gasped out loud when they saw me. I didn’t blame them, I wanted an explanation NOW! They looked guilty and Kelly stuttered “U-u-uh, surprise?”

I raised any eyebrow, were they for real? I mean seriously, was that the only thing they could say? I was seconds away from erupting; it seemed all the people close to me were keeping secrets from me. I was still in shock about what Chloe told me the other day and now I saw you two best friends making as if there was no tomorrow? I mean if they’d have told me, I would have at least.... well all I know was shit was going down today.

They started at me guiltily. I didn’t blame them, I took deep breaths, all I felt was betrayal, did they not trust me enough? Kelly must have saw my expression because she went towards me upset. “I swear to you, we didn’t mean it to go this far, it was just meant to be some fun you know?”

Funny thing was I did know, I was doing the exact same thing to Blake, only the difference was they were both aware of it and Blake wasn’t. This was just getting worse by the second. I sighed and just shook my head slightly. “I need to think” I said, and with that left them, Luke who didn’t say anything just started at me blankly.

I left the gym, but my head was starting to hurt, even if they messing around, why the hell did Luke kiss me after he kissed Kelly at her birthday party, and on the date of me and Blake’s one. What the hell was going on here? Things were not making sense. I hated not being in charge of stuff.

And who the hell sent me the text? Someone else knew about Kelly and Luke. This was killing me. I needed to rest. I headed out of the school and into the car parks, I had a spare key to Chloe’s, I didn’t care if she didn’t have a ride back to home, knowing her she would find one. With that in mind, I headed to the car park.

The minute I went to the car park, I headed to Chloe’s car. Opening the door to the car, I went inside, putting the key in ignition.

“Liv! Wait up!” I heard someone scream over the roar of the engine. I rolled the window of the car and stuck my head out the window looking backwards. I wasn’t surprised to see Luke. I didn’t say anything, I was ready to hit the pedals, but he was quick, and went to the other side of the car, diving inside car.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to be alone. I glared at him. He glared back. Knowing he was stubborn, I just ignored him and drove off. I had no idea where I was going, but all I wanted to do was get away from school. There was only three weeks until the end of the school year, and I could wait. I had enough of high school bull shit.

I somehow ended at the cafe I met up with Blake and his friends. I parked the car, and got out, not bothering to look behind, knowing Luke was going to fall anyways. I sat at my usual seat waiting for the waiter to come take my order.

Luke slid in the seat next to me. He didn’t say a word, all he did was stare at me, I ignored him, and just looked down at my lap. The lady came to our table coughing a bit to grasp my attention. I quickly gave her my order, coffee and a slice of cake.

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