Let The Dust Settle

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Beyonce POV

I decided to sleep in and not go to work. I just wanted some peace and quiet after the other day's drama.

While relaxing on my bed I felt someone shaking me. "Bey, are you asleep?" I heard Solange whispering.

"No I'm practising dying," I said under the covers. "Wait a minute," I said removing the covers and looking at Solange. "Aren't you suppose to be at work?"

"Its 05:00 p.m. genius. You would have known that if you opened your curtains," she said pointing at my closed curtains. "On a related note, mom said she wants to see us," she said causing me to sit up straight.

She came over and straddled over me then wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Listen Bumble Bey, mama said she wants us to swing by," she said.

This is just great. Drama after drama. I don't even wanna hear my parents blabber why I should get married to Charles.

"Hell to the no. I ain't going," I said.

"Come on Bey. Please," she said with pouted lips.

I let out a sigh,"Aight. Get off me so that I can go freshen up."


We got to our parents house safe and sound. Our mother was busy in the kitchen preparing dinner. From all the dinners we've been having lately I think I should go back to the gym and lose a couple of pounds.

"Ma! Where you at!" Solange shouted like she owned the place.

"Solange, this ain't your house so stop shouting like you own the place," my mom said emerging out of the kitchen with her apron on. She went on and greeted us and we headed to the kitchen to help her with dinner.

"So why did you call us here mama?" Solange said stirring up the gravy in the pot.

"I just wanna have a talk with y'all that's all. We have to wait for your dad who's busy freshening up upstairs," she said.

"Tina have you seen my-" I heard my dad say as he entered the kitchen finding me and Solange helping our mom.

"Hey daddy," Solange and I said in unison. My dad just nodded.

"You know what. Let's go to the living room. Screw dinner time, we are going to talk now," she said removing her apron then we all followed her to the living room.

My parents sat on one couch and Solange and I sat on dad's recliner. We sat the same way we did when we were still young where Solange would sit on my lap.

"Y'all never grew out of that habit?" my mom said chuckling.

"Tina honey. Why did you bring us here? We still have wedding preparations," my dad said. Hearing him say that made me cringe a bit.

"About that. There ain't gonna be a wedding," my mom said.

"Woman you must be out of your mind," my dad mumbled. I'm pretty sure that he thought my mom didn't hear him but she did. She nudged him on his side.

"Matthew," she said turning towards him. "Why do you want Beyonce to marry into that family? Is it because they are gonna help uphold your reputation," my mom said. "You know yesterday, I had a conversion with Solange and she made me realise that it ain't right to try to control her life even as a grown woman," she continued.

"You don't understand, she's our child she's suppose to do our bidding," my dad responded.

"Say what now?" I said with a raised eyebrow. "Daddy I'm a grown woman and I have my own life to live. The time has come for my dreams to be heard. They will not be pushed aside and turned into your own all coz you won't listen. I am alone in the crossroads. I'm not at home in my own home and I've tried and tried to say what's on my mind. You should have known now I'm done believing in you. You don't know what I'm feeling. I followed the voice that you gave to me but now I gotta find my own," I said.

The room fell into complete silence. How I wished I knew what was going on in each one of their minds.

"I've always known you as a powerful girl. I saw you as a feisty girl who got whatever she wanted if she put her mind on it. I'm sorry that I refused to listen to you. The truth of the matter is that I just wanted to maintain a social status and I apologize. I'm sorry that I tried to control your life," my dad said as he stood up and started walking towards us with his arms opened.

I stood up and walked into his embrace.

"I love you no matter what. I just want you to be happy and always be who you are. Don't try to be what you're not because I love you no matter what. I'm sorry that I made you feel that you wasn't good enough. I'm proud of you baby," he said as we continued hugging.

Now I can walk the world with my head held higher. It was so nice to finally clear the air with my dad. I know that its gonna take some time for my parents to know the real me and I'm willing to wait.

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