On My Mind

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Onika POV

"So how was your first day at work girl?

My best friend,Cardi said over the phone as I made myself a sandwich in my kitchen. I must admit, I actually enjoyed my first day of work. Everyone was so infatuating and welcomed me with open arms.

"It was aight," I answered repositioning my phone.

"Spill it girl. Tell me, did you get yourself a bitch?

"Oh my gosh Cardi! You are something else. If you must know, there is this one woman I had my eyes on," I answered blushing. Just the thought of her made my stomach fill with butterflies.

"Okkrrr! Spill the tea girl. Who is she? How is she? Is she potential wify?"

I couldn't even keep up with the numerous questions being thrown my way. Beyonce has been on my mind ever since I laid eyes on her in the elevator. I wonder if she had a boyfriend or something?

"She is a hot ass woman. She got them beautiful hazel eyes and must I say, she got one hot ass hour glass body. I was completely enamored the moment I laid my eyes on her"

"Bitch! What the fuck you waiting for. Take her out on a date or something"

"I'll try to take her out during her free time since she is the CEO and is working all the time," I said sounding disappointed.

"Don't worry yourself. Cardi can help you on that. Ask her out on a date but on the pretence that you guys are going on a one-on-one meeting. Talk about work for a couple of minutes then start talking about personal things and get to know her better"

I nodded as if Cardi was able to see me. That was one bright idea.

"Wow Cardi! I can't believe a half decent idea came out of your dumb mouth," I said. Cardi disconnected the phone call and within seconds she had me on face time.

"Fuck you bitch!"

"Really Cardi? You disconnected our phone call just to flip me off on face time?"

"Ya, because via the call you won't be able to see me," she said laughing.

"So what are you doing tonight? You going clubbing?"

"Girl you know I'm always in the club. Imma pick you up in twenty minutes, get ready and wear something sexy"

"No, Cardi I got work tom-"

"Byeeeee!" She said disconnecting our video call.


"Come on Nicki. Have some, don't be such a buzz kill," Cardi said as we sat in the bar. She offered me a dirty martini as we continued to make ourselves comfortable.

"Cardi I can't. I got work tomorrow," I said pushing the cocktail glass away.

"I also got work tomorrow and you don't hear me complaining, either way I'm already tipsy," Cardi said laughing almost falling off her stool. "Here just a tiny sip," she said placing the brim of the glass on my mouth.

She held my face tightly and I squirmed in her grasp. She then punched me hard on the stomach. I opened my mouth to scream but she took that opportunity to pour the liquor in my mouth.

"You bitch!" I screamed in top of my lungs as music was blasting in the club. We stared at each other for a couple of seconds. "Give me more," I said smiling sinisterly.

"That's my girl," she said patting my back. "Give me the whole bottle Mr Bartender," she continued as she placed the money on the counter. The bartender came with the bottle and gave us two glasses. We took all of those and headed for the dance floor.

"Are you drunk Nicki?" Cardi shouted in my ear.

"nO! i'M a BiT tIpSy," I slurred as I fell and landed on my butt on the dance floor.

"No you seem drunk to me," Cardi laughed as she looked at me on the floor.

"YoU sEe, If I wAs DrUnK i WoUlD hAvE FaCe PlAnTeD aNd NoT fElL oN mY bUtT," I slurred as I tried to stand up but failed. "HeLp Me Up BiTcH," I said with my arms opened for Cardi to help me up. She tried but I dragged her down with me. She also landed on her butt and we both started laughing. Now we looked like to maniacs laughing at each other hysterically.

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