Oh No He Didn't

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Beyonce POV

Ever since Charles disclosure we became good friends together with Derrick. At times we would even go out on double dates. Our parents were under the illusion that Charles and I were the ones going on the dates but what they didn't know was that we also brought Derrick and Onika along.

I pulled off my parents driveway, "Did mama tell you why she called us here?" Solange said as she unbuckled her seat belt. I shrugged and we both got out of the car. "I wonder whose cars are those," she continued as we went to knock on the front door.

The door swang opened and we were greeted by Charles,"Hey y'all," he said with a smile hugging Solange then hugged me.

"Hey Charles. What are you doing here?" I said looking at him baffled.

"I don't know. My dad said that him and your dad have an announcement," he said holding my hand leading me to the living room where I was met with Charles parents. I introduced myself and we started making small talk.

"Alright everybody. We can go sit in the dining room because the food is ready," I heard my mom as she came in the living room. We all then stood up and made ourselves comfortable in the dining room table.

I helped my mom set the table and I noticed how my dad and Mr Banks would whisper something to each other and they would laugh once in a while. We sat down and then said grace.

"Can I please get your attention people," my dad said as he continuously tapped the side of his wine glass with his fork. "First of all, I would love to thank you all for coming here on short notice. I'd love to thank my wife for preparing this fine meal for us," he said bending down to kiss my mom's cheek.

How I wish that man would just get to the point and stop beating around the bush. I had to miss a few meetings because of this.

"Mr Banks and I have been talking about Beyonce and Charles. We came to the conclusion that we should get the two married ASAP," he said cheerfully.

Oh no he didn't! I like Charles but not in that way. The only person I see myself spending the rest of my life with was Onika.

"I'm not gonna marry him," I said speaking up.

"What did you just say?" My dad said sternly.

"You heard me," I said standing up, "I ain't marrying him. His a nice guy and all but I don't like him like that," I said.

"You are marrying him whether you like it or not," he said through gritted teeth.

"Make me. Solo let's hit the road," I said staring my dad dead in the eyes.

Solange followed me without hesitation. We hopped into my car and headed off to Onika's apartment.


"He did what?!" Onika yelled in frustration.

"Calm down Onika. This stress ain't good for the baby," Solange said going to rub Onika's stomach.

Cardi, Onika and I looked at Solange with them crazy eyes,"What the fuck is wrong with you? I ain't pregnant," Onika said removing Solange's hand from her stomach.

"I'm so sorry. Its just that I always wanted to say that so bad," Solange said excitedly.

"You know what, you three, follow me," Onika said but we just sat there looking at her. "Now! Not tomorrow! Get your asses in the car we are going somewhere." We didn't argue with her because she seemed dead serious. We took our jackets and went straight to Onika's car.

She drove around for about thirty minutes then we found ourselves in this secluded place.

"Get your asses out of my car," Onika said sternly. Cardi, Solange and I didn't budge, "Am I  talking to myself? I said get out," she said looking around us. I unlocked my door and got out together with Cardi and Solange.

"Follow me," Onika said as she started leading the way.

"Cardi you go first. Just in case she wants to kill us. I can get a head start in running," I heard Solange behind me.

"Why me bitch? Why don't you go first?" I heard Cardi as we continued walking.

"Its simple. You're old and I have a future," Solange responded.

We walked for about ten minutes before finding ourselves on some mountain top over looking the the green forest down below.

"You two," Onika said pointing at Cardi and Solange, "Go pick up twigs or something. Imma call you in a while," she said. "Beyonce honey, come with me," she said smiling and holding my hand.

We walked a few steps before seeing the beauty of mother nature. I heard the chirping of the birds on the tresses and one beautified the other. I took in the fresh air. For once I smelt air which was clean and not polluted. I closed my eyes as I felt the wind in my hair.

"Its beautiful isn't it?" I heard Onika. "You know, I don't just bring anyone here. Other than Cardi, you are the only other person I've brought here. I take Cardi here just to calm her down whenever she had baby daddy drama," she said still holding my hand.

"Why did you bring me here then?" I said lowly.

"Look at that babe," she said pointing at a butterfly struggling to flap its wings properly because one of its wings was covered in mud.

"Its a butterfly baby," I responded.

"That's right babe but that ain't just no ordinary butterfly. That's a butterfly that perfectly sums up your life. Both of y'all got all of this freedom and you wanna be yourselves and explore the world but there is something dragging you guys down. Someone or something is dragging you down. You gotta get rid of what's holding you back so you could live life smoothly and do you. You feel me?" She said staring at me.

"I hear you," I said pulling her closer to me. "I need y'all guys to help me get the mud off my wings," I continued.

"You know we are always there for you babe," she said wrapping her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately.

"Onika we got them twigs you wanted," Solange said with Cardi by here side. "What should we do now?"

Onika groaned and looked at them, "Get your asses in the car," Onika spat.

I loved it when she used her command voice.

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