It Ain't Worth It

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Beyonce POV

"Your dad thinks we should merge our companies so that we are able to make a lot of profit," Charles said as we sat in this fancy restaurant my dad recommended for our date.

I didn't respond since I was busy blowing bubbles into my drink using my straw staring at him at the same time.

"Am I boring you Beyonce," Charles said.

"What makes you say that?" I said nonchalantly.

"Its because you keep doing that childish thing with your straw," he said pointing at my drink. "Come on now Beyonce, your dad wants us to work out," he continued.

My dad loves making things about him. He wants things to go his way and disregards everyone else's opinions. Even if I was straight, I wouldn't want Charles as my boyfriend.

"Damn Bey, why you always frowning?" He said chuckling.

"I mean. Who smiles the whole fucking day?" I said shouting causing people to look at us. "What are y'all looking at? Go back to minding your own damn business!" I said directing to those who turned and looked at us.

"Bey calm down  before they chase us out," he said whispering.

"You men are all the same. All you care about is your stupid reputation. Why don't you go date my dad. You guys will be a perfect match for each other," I whispered back.

"OK. I see we are not going anywhere here," he said rubbing his temples.

"Oh my, I wonder what gave it away," I said sarcastically.

"Look Beyonce," he said leaning towards me. "The reason I agreed to this was because my parents forced me."

"What do you mean? I thought you wanted it," I said with a raised eyebrow.

He sighed and looked at me like he was helpless or something, "My dad never took it well when I came out as gay so he got hold of your dad and forced me to go out with you," he said.

I'm not sure whether to be happy that there was someone I can closely relate to or to be sad that there was someone else who was hiding a part of himself just to feel loved by his parents.

"I'm sorry to hear that. You know, if it makes you feel any better, I'm a lesbian," I said smiling.

He smiled back and I saw him removing his blazer and placed it on the table together with his tie. He unbuttoned some of his buttons until it he slightly revealed his chest. He dug into his pocket and took out his pinky ring and put it on. He took out his chain and wore it then put on his diamond earrings on. He topped it all off by crossing his legs like a well mannered lady.

"Its so refreshing to finally be myself," he said with a breath of relief smiling. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes I do," I said blushing just at the thought of Onika. "Her name is Onika."

"That's perfect. Imma call my boyfriend and we will come by your apartment tonight so that we can hang out. How does that sound?" He said sounding excited.

"Sounds good to me. Imma call my girl and let her know we are coming. Let's go," I said getting up.

"Fantastic," he squealed as he took his blazer and tie from the table.

Ever since Charles told me he was gay, I noticed that his voice changed. It became more high pitched than the deep voice he used when talking to other people. Its such a shame that Charles had to pull out this persona which was a façade in order to please his parents and hide his true self.


"More popcorn please," Charles said as he sat on his boyfriend's, Derrick's lap.

We were in my apartment together with Onika and Solange watching the movie Love, Simon in the living room.

"Order up," Solange said with two bowls of popcorn on her hands. "Scooch over Onika," Solange said tapping Onika's thigh. Onika then sat on my lap.

We all sat down and watched the movie enjoying each others company as friends. We joked and played until it was time for Derrick and Charles to hit the road. Onika slept over since we were working from home the following day.

"I guess I'm also not going to work either," Solange said as we were tidying up the kitchen.

"What makes you think you're not going?" Onika said with her arms crossed.

"Don't bother arguing with her. She's just gonna confuse you with all of her stupidity," I said as I wrapped my arms around Onika as I stood behind her. "Just let her be," I said.

We all went to bed and called it a day.

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