Its a Date?

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Onika POV

"Fuck, I should have never listened to Cardi. Now I've got a splitting headache," I said rubbing my temples as I sat on my chair in my office. Lucky for me, the morning was not that hectic so my headache wasn't that bad.

"That's it. Imma go to the lunch room and get some Aspirin for my headache," I said getting up and headed for the lunch room.

When I got there I found Beyonce sitting down eating an apple and on the other hand she held her phone and was playing Candy Crush. I thought the CEO had her own room where she ate alone.

"Good morning Miss Knowles," I said as I walked in and went straight for the medicine cabinet.

"Good morning to you too Miss Maraj," she answered as she diverted her attention to me. "What's wrong? Are you sick or something," she said noticing the pills on my hands.

"Its nothing much Miss Knowles. Its just a headache," I responded.

"OK," she said going back to her game. "Hangover I presume," she said lowly with her eyes still glued to her phone.

How did she even know? Was my hangover really that noticeable? I wouldn't blame her, I was always a mess the next day after I drank too much. That was the main reason why I hated drinking on weekdays.

"How did you know?" I said nervously. This was just great, I've bearly been here for a week and I was going to get in trouble with my boss.

"From all my experience being a party girl, I can kinda spot someone with a hangover," she said chuckling. She stood up and came closer to me. "Come with me. I know a café where I'm friends with the chef. She can whip you some of her hangover remedy. I go there whenever I get a hangover on a weekday," she said holding my hand. Her hands felt so soft and it took all of my energy not to come any closer and smash my lips on hers.

"I would love that Miss Knowles," I said smiling.


"Here you are sweetie," the chef said as she handed me the cup with her hangover remedy. Beyonce sat across me as I drank the contents. Whatever was in there was working as I started feeling better.

"How are you feeling now?" She said looking at me smiling.

"I'm feeling way better now. Thank you Miss Knowles," I said taking a sip. I must admit Beyonce was not your typical boss. From the looks of it, everyone in the office loved her and I see why. She was so nice an cared about everyone around her.

"Since we are out now, care to join my sister and I on lunch? Don't worry, its on me," she said leaning closer. I tried with all my might but at times my eyes would slip and land in her cleavage.

"I would love that Miss Knowles," I said nodding.

"Alright then. Imma call Solange and let her know where to find us," she said taking her phone out and started tying.


"So Miss Maraj, were you the one who decided to take us to lunch?" Solange said as she ate her French fry.

"No, it was Miss Knowles offered not me," I said taking a sip of my lemonade.

"Oh wow. Just so you know, if you remove me from this here equation. Y'all are basically on a date," she continued causing Beyonce who was sitting next to me to glance up at Solange from across the table and there was an awkward silence between us."Speaking of the lady's room. I gotta go tinkle," she said standing and heading off to the lady's room.

"Sorry about her. She can be stupid at times," Beyonce said diverting her attention to me.

Beyonce and I talked until Solange came back. Even after she came back, we continued talking, completely forgetting about Solange.

"Hello? I'm still here you know," Solange said waving at our faces.

"Sorry about that. Miss Maraj was just telling me how she got chased by a dog when she was seven," Beyonce said wiping away her tears from laughing. "Anyways, you guys go back to work. Imma go to some meeting. Let's go now. Imma go drop you guys off at work," Beyonce said as we stood up.

"Group hug!" Solange yelled as she ran towards Beyonce and I. She wrapped her arms around us causing Beyonce and I to be just an inch or two away from each others faces. I smiled nervously as I looked at Beyonce.

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