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Solange POV

"This ain't right," I said as I helped Onika with the dishes.

"You're right. I've never seen Beyonce that sad," she said pointing towards a sad Beyonce slouching on the couch with her onesie on.

"Not that you idiot. I meant it ain't right that I spent so much time making that sweet potato pie but no one ate it," I said with pouted lips. Onika knocked me upside the head as she went to place the last plate in the cabinet.

I love my sister but I hate seeing her miserable. She's my rock and I don't know where to start in comforting her.

"Hey big sis. What's popping?" I said sitting next to her.

"I'm watching TV. What's it to you," she said staring at the blank TV screen.

"More like the TV's watching you," I mumbled under my breath. "Listen Bumble Bey," I started, using the nickname I gave her when we were still kids. "For what its worth, I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself. I'm proud that you finally gathered enough courage to come out of the closet," I said as I tugged in her hair behind her ears.

"Thank you sis," she said placing her head on my shoulder. "That means a lot."

We sat in that position just enjoying each others company. Onika had to go back to her apartment because she had a meeting first thing in the morning.


"So how long have you known about Beyonce being a lesbian?" My mom said as we sat in a restaurant during my lunch break.

After Beyonce and I were done with watching TV I decided to call my mom and check up on her. My dad refused to pick up his phone thus I decided to settle with my mom. Hopefully we are able to clear the air and make her see how much Beyonce loves Onika and hopefully she will understand.

"OK, let's see," I said pretending to count with my fingers. "Just a couple of....forever," I said and my mom's eyes widen.

"How did you know?" My mom said.

"For starters, I caught her making out with her girlfriend when I was thirteen. Even before that, I saw that Beyonce was not your ordinary girl. She was different and I liked that," I said smiling.

"Well, I don't like this not one bit. She's suppose to do our bidding," my mom said causing me to chuckle. "Is something funny?" She said with furrowed eyebrows.

"Its funny how a lot of parents are willing do anything for their kids except let them be themselves," I said taking a sip of my drink. "With all due respect but y'all guys gotta stop that thing you always do to Bey," I said.

"What's that?" My mother said sounding confused.

"You guys always guilt trip Bey and make her feel like she's not good enough. You guys are so concerned about other people's opinions such that you disregard your own daughter's opinion. You are just self centered parents who are more concerned in saving the church such that they pay no attention to their family," I said.

"Watch your mouth little missy," my mom said getting aggravated.

"Its true mama. I bet y'all just see Bey as an ATM where you can just pump out money whenever you felt like it in order to maintain your social status," I said lowly.

"Its like you girls have picked up a nasty habit of disrespecting us. Come with your sister at our house at seven tomorrow," my mom said nonchalantly as she took her belongings and left.

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