First Kiss

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Beyonce POV

So I decided to take Solange's advice and take Onika out on a date. I did that the following day and we had multiple dates after that. Now we have been going out on dates for about a month.

"Solange! Please text Onika the coordinates of the apartment building!" I shouted from the dining room. Today Onika and I were working from home. On the other hand, I don't know who told Solange that she shouldn't go to work.

"Here's your phone Bey," Solange said as she got in the dining room while I prepared the working station for Onika and I.

"Bitch. I told you to text her not give me my phone," I said looking up at Solange with on hand on my hip. "Text her the coordinates please," I said.

She did likewise and texted Onika then I saw her dialing a number then she put the phone to her ear, "Yes hello... Pepperoni... Yes, large please plus large Pepsi...$60?... That's fine... Thank you," she then hung up. "Bey can I have $60?" She said looking at me.

Did this girl just ordered pizza without my permission? She now wants me to pay for it. That's not gonna happened.

"Now why would I do that?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Well for starters they already know your address plus I'm unemployed so I don't have any money. Unless you want to promote me to paid intern," she said shrugging.

I sucked my teeth,"Fine. Go take $100 in my purse," I said rolling my eyes. "Give me back my change!" I said as she walked out of the dining room.

"Can't hear you I'm going down the hallway!" She shouted back. I knew that she heard me and I know she ain't gonna give me back the change. That's how Solange was, she never gave you your change back. That was the reason that when we were young, my mom always wanted me to go with Solange whenever she sent us to buy something in the stores. I was the one who would carry the money so that Solange cannot take the change.

"Bey! There's only a $200 note in here! Should I take it?" I heard Solange shout from my room.

"No!" I said running towards my room only to find Solange laughing so hard and holding $100 in her hand.

"If only you saw your face. You looked like someone just killed your puppy," she said trying to catch her breath. "I was just pulling your leg Bey. There was no $200 note up in there. There was this $100 note like you said," she said giggling.

I came closer to her and placed her in a head lock,"Don't toy with me like that little girl. Imma hit you next time," I said with her squirming in my grasp.

"Fine then, I'll never toy with you," she said as I let go of her. "Dang Bey, your grasp is so strong," she said rubbing her neck. "What do you eat? Steroids?" She said before running away.

"Imma let that one slide you little rascal!" I shouted as Solange ran away. I had no energy to chase Solange around the apartment. Imma get her next time.


"Since the sales are up by 20% I was thinking we could use the profits made to help the marketing department," Onika said as she was busy jotting down something on her notepad.

From where I was sitting she looked cute with her reading glasses on. She wore an oversized T-shirt with some sweat pants. All I could do was to stare at her.

"Did you hear me Bey?" She said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes I did. I think its a great idea to give the money to the marketing department," I said. "I think we should take a break. Solange has pizza in the kitchen," I said getting up and walked with Onika to the kitchen.

We got into the kitchen and found Solange sitting on the kitchen counter eating her slice of pizza. I took the box of pizza and put it on the counter. I saw Onika also getting herself comfortable on the counter.

"Here you go," I said as I stood between Onika's legs and handed her a glass of Pepsi.

"Thank you Bey," she said with a smile as she took the glass and took a sip.

We remained in that position and started talking. Onika then wrapped her arms around me and I placed my hands on her waist.

"Y'all lovebirds about to make a bitch sick," Solange said pretending to gag.

"Well get sick then bitch," I said rolling my eyes.

"Continue rolling your eyes. Maybe you will find a brain up in there," Solange said getting off the counter then went to get herself a refill.

I sucked my teeth and paid Solange no attention. I then hopped on the counter and sat next to Onika.

"You know, you guys have been going out for a while but I've never seen y'all kissing. Why is that?" Solange said as she walked and stood in front of us.

"Don't worry. You have seen us," Onika said.

"When?" I said confused since we never kissed before.

Without warning, Onika pulled me and kissed my lips. I also returned the kiss.

"Now," she said lowly as she stared at me smiling. I smiled back and pecked her lips one more time.

"Be my girl Bey," Onika said with a smile.

"I'd love to be your girl Onika Tanya Maraj," I said smiling back.

"Aww, that was cute," Solange said pretending to wipe away tears. "Group hug!" She said with her arms opened.

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