What do you think that you're doing?

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I awoke and lifting my hand. I looked at it and smiled. It's been a while since I saw my hands or any part of my body. I got out of bed, going into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror, I smiled. I pressed on my face, making sure it was real.

I brushed my teeth, then showered. I finished and put on some clothes along with shoes. Shoes felt weird to wear. I came downstairs and heard a commotion from the library. I crept to the library and pushed the door opened, then chuckled.

I walked over, and as Belle reached for a book, she fell as I caught her.

"What do you think that you're doing?" I asked.

Belle looked at me and smiled sheepishly. "I attempted to get a book, and it didn't work," Belle said.

I helped Belle to her feet and reached the book. I pulled it and handed the paper to Belle.

"Didn't we have a conversation about you breaking into my house?" I asked with a look.

"We did, but you were a beast about it," Belle reminded me as I chuckled.

I leaned in and kissed Belle as she kissed me back.

"How does it feel to be human again?" Belle asked me.

"Different, but amazing. I don't have to unclog a drain in the bathroom," I joked.

Belle giggled. She walked over to a chair and sat down, opening the book and started reading. I left her to read in peace and went to make breakfast. As I cooked, someone knocked at the door. I turned down the stove and answered it.

"We brought breakfast," Cedric said as he and Andrew held bags in my face.

"Please tell me it's not porridge. I hate that stuff," I groaned.

Cedric lowered his bag. "What's wrong with porridge?" He questioned.

"Everything is wrong with porridge," Andrew said, walking past Cedric, who followed. They argue as I chuckled. Goldie entered, and I looked at her.

"Read any fairytales lately?" I asked, smiling.

"Many and Andrew thinks I'm crazy," Goldie answered as I chuckled. "Where's Belle?"

"Where else? The library," I said, pointing to the library.

Goldie went to see Belle as I started to close the door until someone stopped me. I looked as Dante stood there. I waited.

"I'm still warming up to the new you, but I still have my eye on you," Dante said, making a gesture with his fingers, then walking to the kitchen. I check to make sure no one else was popping up.

I closed my front door and went back into the kitchen as my brothers and Dante talked. I went back to cooking.

"So, now that we all know what the hell happened to you, what happens now?" Cedric asked.

"Well, I have an idea," I said as I turned off the stove. "Excuse me," I said, leaving the kitchen to get Belle and Goldie.

I stuck my head into the library. "Beauty, breakfast is ready," I announced.

"Okay, Beast," Belle said as I chuckled. Goldie and Belle got up, following me out of the library.

We went into the kitchen as Belle grabbed plates from the cabinet and silverware from the drawer. Everyone fished up food, and we took it into the dining room, sitting down at the table.

"This is way better than porridge," Cedric mentioned eating.

"We told you," Andrew and I said together.

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