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I stepped out into the back as the snow crunched under my hoofs. I looked around for Belle as I saw nothing but snow cover ground, then I felt something hit me. What in the world? I turned, and something hit me in the face, making me close my eyes, then I heard laughter, beautiful laughter.

I brushed the snow off my face to see Belle laughing and pointing at me.

"You hit me with a snowball," I said.

"Yes, I did," Belle said, giggling.

I started moving towards Belle as she realized I was coming towards her and started running. I chased Belle around the yard as she laughed. It was the sweetest laugh ever. I started laughing myself as I chased Belle.

"Hurry, Beast! You're too slow!" Belle yelled as I chased her.

I almost reached Belle as she tripped and fell. Then I heard a piercing scream.

"Belle!" I roared.

"My ankle!" Belle yelled, holding her ankle.

I hurried to Belle as she winced while she held her ankle. I reached down and slid my arms under Belle as I lifted her. I held Belle gently while I carried her back into the house. I heard her sniffle and cradled her in my arms.

When we came inside, I carried Belle to the couch and set her down carefully. As much as I hated to call anyone, I phoned a doctor, then waited. When the doctor arrived, I hid from view. I watched the young doctor tend to Belle and how they interacted with each other. I sighed.

After the doctor finished, he left, and I emerged from the shadows.

"Why did you leave?" Belle asked me.

"Because people won't understand," I answered.

"I don't think you give people enough credit. Look at me; I'm not frightened of you," Belle reassured me.

"No, but others are, and people will hunt me," I said, standing in front of Belle.

"Because no one knows the real you," Belle reasoned.

I sat down in a chair. "Who is the real me?" I asked, looking at Belle as she sat on the couch with her ankle propped on a pillow. "I have horns and claws. My feet are hooves, and my body is cover in fur. I look like a hideous beast." I lowered my head in shame.

"That's appearances. I don't see a beast at all," Belle said as I lifted my head. I see a man scared what others think, a man who is so afraid of revealing himself that people will judge him. But if they look closely, they will see a kind and gentle soul - someone who hasn't hurt me since I arrived here. People will see a broken person who wants love and friendship," Belle told me as I looked at her.

Belle's inner beauty and the way she thought, made her beautiful in every way.

"Thank you for your kindness. I don't deserve it," I whispered.

"Oh, Beast, if anyone deserves kindness, it's you," Belle said as I nodded.

"That Doctor seemed nice," I mentioned, knowing when Belle left, she would meet someone like that.

"Yes, but that's because you paid the doctor," Belle said, making me laugh. She giggled. "I'm not into men like that."

My ears perked up.

"Oh?" I said.

"I prefer someone with amber eyes who sees me even when I look hideous in a yellow sundress," Belle mentioned as my heart fluttered.

Beauty's BeastWhere stories live. Discover now